Showing posts with label #baking. Show all posts

We Know You Love Pumpkin Spice Everything, So Here Are Some Truly Awesome Recipes

It’s that time again, everyone! Autumn is almost upon us (regardless of the fact that it’s like 90 degrees out right now), and that can only mean one thing: pumpkin. Pumpkin everything.

Pumpkins are known for making awesome appearances in holiday pies and spiced lattes, but there are many more pumpkin dishes out there that will satisfy your fall cravings from breakfast to dinner.

For full recipes, follow the links below!

1. Pumpkin spice oatmeal makes for a great seasonal breakfast.

2. So do pumpkin waffles.

3. And pumpkin pancakes!

4. Pumpkin French toast is pretty awesome, too.

5. Don’t throw out the seeds! Roasted pumpkin seeds are great for snacking.

6. You can also add pumpkin to hummus for a sweet, earthy flavor.

7. Pumpkin is also perfect for making creamy, delicious soup.

8. For a more savory option, this recipe for curry chicken with pumpkin will do the trick.

9. It also brings dimension and depth to chili.

10. Give alfredo sauce an unexpected twist by throwing in some pumpkin!

11. Of course, you can always fall back on a loaf of pumpkin bread.

12. And you can never go wrong with cookies.

13. If you want something a little fancier, try out this pumpkin roll cake.

14. You can also make your own pumpkin spice latte.

Break out the leggings and Uggs, ladies.

15. If you want something more grown up, try this pumpkin-Kahlua hot cocoa.

After you master these techniques, you’ll be a pumpkin pro. The cool thing about cooking with pumpkin is that is goes with pretty much everything, so if you can’t get enough of this orange, squashy goodness, add it to your favorite recipes!

Make Your Next Pie Stand Out With One Of These Amazing Crusts

Autumn is closing in, which means that baking season is rolling in along with it. In the middle of whatever fantastical desserts you might be planning, though, you can’t forget pies. These simple but delicious desserts make the best of fall harvests. Even though they aren’t covered in pretty frosting, they can still get fancy.

If you’re in the mood for pretty pies, check out some of these surprisingly simple ways to make your fruit-filled creations into something truly beautiful. Click the links below for more detailed instructions!

1. The little leaf crust.

Use a cookie cutter to layer cutouts.

2. The bigger leaf crust.

You can do them in any size, and they’re perfect for fall.

3. The lattice crust.

This classic design never goes out of style.

4. The twist crust.

This looks a lot more complicated than it actually is. Trust me.

5. The decorative edge crust.

For pies without a top crust, this is an easy way to add a little flare.

6. The flower crust.

Like the leaf crusts, this one adds some unexpected texture.

7. The cutout crust.

You can use any shape for this quirky technique.

8. The braided edge crust.

This border adds an unexpected twist. If you can braid your hair, you can pull this off.

9. The honeycomb crust.

Small circles make for an alternative to the lattice top.

10. The mini crust.

A mini pie made in a cupcake pan is a great alternative to making a large pie. They’re great for parties!

11. The doily crust.

Solid top crusts can get fancy with a cute impression. This works for cookies, too.

12. The shape top.

A custom cutout adds the perfect touch to a holiday pie. You can make any shape you want, depending on the occasion.

13. The written crust.

A sharp knife lets you write a personalized message.

14. The herringbone top.

Like a lattice top, but a little more chic.

(via Diply)

Now that you’re a pie-making expert, you can wow guests at your next gathering. Be careful, though, or you might become the go-to baker after showcasing these skills.

Never Worry About Your Brown Sugar Becoming Rock Hard With This Simple Hack

It’s a well-known fact: no matter how thoughtfully, how carefully you store your brown sugar…it will inevitably become rock hard. Even if your container claims to be airtight…it lies. Thankfully, when it comes time to bake those cookies, mix that crumble up, or whatever gloriously sweet plans you have for your sugar, there are tricks like this that can bring it back from it’s solid slumber.

White bread truly is wonder bread…am I right?!

A Meat Cake Might Sound Gross, But It's Actually Genius...And Adorable

If someone shouts out, “Who wants cake?!” in a crowded room, you’ll usually hear an overwhelming “Meee!” from a bunch of people expecting to receive a paper plate piled high with too-sweet sugary frosting and chocolatey, baked goodness. That’s simply what society has conditioned us to expect. But Anna Hezel and Gabriella Paeilla over at Lucky Peach have got a new take on what the word “cake” actually means, and while it might seem like a bizarro-world concoction, it’s actually pretty incredible.

This pup knows something you don’t know right off the bat…

And it’s that while that white stuff may look like a nice cream cheese frosting, it’s actually instant mashed potatoes. Why would you want potatoes on a cake, like…ever? Well…

It’s because the inside of the cake is pretty much a giant hamburger patty.

And this cake is made for dogs!

Here’s what you’ll need to make this for your pooch:

  • 6 pounds of hamburger meat

  • Hot dogs

  • Hydrated mashed potato mix

  • Ketchup, mustard, peas, Sriracha

  • Parsley, lettuce, kale, or anything green

  • Cake pans

  • Toothpicks

Feel free to get more or less fancy with any of these ingredients!

Here’s how to make it:

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  • Line the cake pans (small, medium, large) with parchment paper and pack in your hamburger meat.

  • Cook for 30-40 minutes, or until meat is baked all the way through.

  • Let cool for ten minutes.

  • Place the largest meat cake onto a plate and plop some potatoes on top; repeat with medium and small meat cakes.

  • Add the rest of the potatoes and spread so it looks pretty.

  • Decorate with peas, Sriracha, ketchup, and hot dogs.

(Some decoration inspiration, should you need any.)

I know we said this was for your dog…but you know, you could eat it, too, if you’re into that…

And there you have it! An adorable, albeit strange, meat cake.

“Maybe we could share?”

If you think about it, the British have been doing this for centuries…we’ve all heard of shepherd’s pie, right? They just didn’t think to add adorable hot dog people to the top!

If you do share this with your dog, please, for the love of god, take a video and send it to us!

And if you liked this epic recipe, head over to Lucky Peach for more odd ideas. You can also follow them on Facebook.

Find more food fun stuff here:

Dress Up Your Tots With This Fast, Easy, And Delicious Recipe

If you’re looking to make a fantastic snack that doesn’t take hours to create, then look no further. This delicious recipe takes a few snack staples and combines them in a perfect bite-sized treat. It even comes speared on a toothpick, so you can feel extra fancy!

The ingredients list is quite simple: you just need bacon, cheese, tater tots, and toothpicks.

You can also add hot sauce if you like spice.

Watch the entire process for making these crispy little bites below:

The next time you’re craving a little bit of decadence, try out this quick recipe. Naturally, you can even experiment with other ingredients to put your own spin on these tiny nuggets of deliciousness!

Snacking doesn’t have to be hard. Just try these amazing recipes below:

These Cookies And Cakes Are Almost Too Hilarious To Eat, But We Think You'll Manage

There’s no shortage of creative baked goods in the world, but it’s rare to find sweet treats that will make you laugh. If it’s humor you’re looking for in a cookie, look no further than the Instagram account of a talented baker by the name of Archie Hemmingway.

This account features handmade cookies, cakes, donuts, and more — all of which are decorated to look like your favorite pop culture icons. Each one is guaranteed to stir up a fond memory and bring a smile to your face.

If you feel bad about eating your favorite cartoon characters, don’t worry. You won’t be sad when you realize how delicious they are.

Most of us, however, will only be able to experience these sweet wonders through a computer screen, so we’ll have to be satisfied with their visual hilarity.

To see more freshly baked fun, check out the rest of the batch on Instagram.

For more amazing cookies, whet your appetite with these: