When he’s not working for an advertising agency, photographer Rich McCor is turning the world into a more entertaining place with the help of a few paper cutouts. Placed in front of landmarks, they turn everyday street scenes into charming, witty photos.
McCor got the idea after joining Instagram.
He was tired of taking ordinary photos, so he decided to start a clever Instagram series.
He started adding amusing cutouts to famous scenes and totally transforming them.
Here, the Eiffel Tower is ready for takeoff!
Initially, McCor challenged himself to do ten cutout photos around London, creating different compositions for each one. Coming up with clever ideas was a bit difficult, but the images quickly gained popularity on Instagram.
He also says that the process was extremely fun and rewarding, since he created awesome photos while also learning more about major landmarks and interacting with passersby.
This photo, for example, earned him the praise of a 10-year-old girl.
He can find inspiration in just about anything.
Of course, all of this planning and shooting makes McCor’s vacations a little different from the average traveler’s. “I am probably the worst sort of person to go on holiday with,” he jokes. “I’m constantly taking photos and tracking down ideas.” Still, he enjoys learning about every city he visits. This collection allows him to see popular landmarks from a whole new perspective.
He’s already created a ton of images, but he has no intentions of stopping!
You can see more of McCor’s cutout photos on Instagram, as well as a few more traditional travel pictures.