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The 14 Most Savage Trolls Of 2015

Internet trolls are famous for not being very nice people.

But just like Robin Hood robbed the rich to feed the poor, their are some rule-breakers who are so just so great at what they do, all we can do is stand up and applaud.

Let’s face it, 2015 has been quite a depressing year, what with the all the terrorism and wars. However, nothing can put a smile on our faces more than when we see people conquering an injustice, flipping a metaphorical middle finger and then posting it online for the world to see.

Don’t get me wrong, these trolls are savage, but they’re also either done for the right reasons, or are just so hilarious that we let them get away with it;

1. This champion who staged an epic marriage proposal in order to dump his cheating girlfriend. “Who the fuck is Thomas Rue?”:

2. In order to support the LGBT movement, earlier this year, Doritos released their limited edition rainbow chips. However, a handful of morons were so furious at the campaign, they took to the Doritos Facebook page to complain. Fortunately, Mike Melgaard was on hand to troll them as a fake customer service account;

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3. After Katie deleted a ex co-worker’s number, he was a little upset. Therefore, he collected images of some random fella and bombarded her with texts:

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4. Nicole Larson got so sick and tired of lovey-dovey couples on Facebook, that she decided to start a new photo album on her account called “Couple Pictures 2015”. The thing was, she hadn’t got a boyfriend, her true love is Pizza:

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5. And even the babies were at it – every time this dad went to cut his daughter’s fingernails, she started to cry. When he pulled back, she just laughed in that mug’s face;

6. When Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy held an important press conference atMystic Aquarium back in late August, nobody wanted to miss a word he said. Including this incredible photobombing  beluga whale:

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7. A couple of months ago, Ben Palmer became The Batman on Facebook, and started offering “help” to the local police departments:

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8. Donald Trump has pretty much offended everybody he can this year, including supermodel, Heidi Klum, after he claimed she was no longer a “10”. However, Heidi quickly trumped Trump after she posted the following video to her Twitter account;

9. And whilst we’re on Donald, whilst being interviewed by CNN, Trump said that FOX News Anchor, Megyn Kelly, had “blood coming out of her wherever” after the first GOP debate. Women were, understandably, pissed, and took to Twitter to slam the presidential candidate;

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10. When Twitter comedian, Jon Hendren, appeared on HLN, he was booked as a “Edward Snowden Expert”. However, what reporter, Yasmin Vossoughian, didn’t know was that he was actually answer questions about Edward Scissorhands;

11. Emily Musson clearly didn’t see the funny side when her parents started recreating the selfies she had taken with her boyfriend. Fortunately, the rest of the world found it hilarious:

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12. When the Winnipeg Free Press published this cry for help in their advice column, several readers probably recognised this story from somewhere else. That’s because it’s the plot to Full House:

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13. The 2016 presidential run has had a few bizarre names thrown into the mix, include this 15-year-old from Iowa, who registered under the name “Deez Nuts”. In wasn’t a complete fail though, as he managed to obtain 9% of the vote in North Carolina:

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14. This absolute lass that ruined an anti-Planned Parenthood protest by repeatedly shouting “Yeast Infection!”:

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What an incredible year – every single one of you can take a bow, and we hope to see you in 2016.

But let’s not end it there, for number 15, let us point you in the direction of the comments section of this post from GMP Wigan East police, who got trolled when they posted a mugshot of a wanted teenager with big ears.