Showing posts with label #fail. Show all posts

If You Own A Cat, You Know This To Be True: There Is Never A Dull Moment

Anyone who owns a cat knows it’s quite an adventure. They sleep all hours, disappear for days, and sometimes even hunt (your feet) at night. But the craziest part is the oddball things they do. Things that you can’t help but laugh at…


What weirdos! It’s a good thing they’re so lovable and adorable. Otherwise, why in the world would you keep these fluffy rascals around?!

23 Dogs That Have Made Seriously Terrible Life Choices

Dogs, we love you, but you’re not always the smartest when it comes to tackling life’s problems.

We understand. We mess up, too! But these fails are seriously hilarious. If it helps, we only laugh because you’re so stinkin’ cute. Only you could pull off being this adorable and this dumb at the same time.

1. “I’m so ready for that walk!”

2. “I love it here. I don’t want to leaf. GET IT?”

3. “I just wanted to help you with the laundry.”

4. “Do I have anything in my teeth?”

5. “I can do this! Nope…no I can’t.”

6. “It’s not a hat?”

7. “Whatever. I’ve never been more comfortable in my life.”

8. “I feel you, bro.”

9. “Why are you so elusive?”

10. “Was I close?”

11. “I’m gonna getchu! Later. I’ll get you later.”

12. “Nope. No idea how this happened.”

13. “This is how you relax?”

14. “What? How did I get here? What’s happening?”

15. “Hey kids, I heard you were talking smack.”

16. “This might be a mistake.”

17. “Just go with it, dude.”

18. “Oh…uh…hello!”

19. “So that was the wrong place to nap, huh?”

20. “Just try and fence me in!”

21. “Yessss…NOPE.”

22. “I meant to do that!”

23. “This…didn’t go as planned.”

(via Bored Panda, BuzzFeed.)

Hey, keep trying, little buddies. Maybe someday you’ll get the gold. Today’s just not that day.

These Back-To-School Fails Will Make You Fear Your First Day Of Class

It’s September, which means that school is back in session. If you’re sending your child off for another year, there’s no doubt that you’ll embarrass them at some point along the way.

Once you’re out of sight, however, they do an excellent job of embarrassing themselves. Don’t believe me? Look no further than these awful student fails.

Yikes. We all make fools out of ourselves, but these kids just took that to a whole new level. Let’s just hope that they make it to graduation.

This Dog Struggles So Hard To Get Into A Lawn Chair. He Fails Hard At The Very End LOL

Do you ever feel like struggle is following you around? No matter how small or large the task is in front of you, it just seems impossible to accomplish. It’s like there’s something waiting at each step to set you back.

This poor pup knows exactly how you feel, but he makes it look a lot more hilarious. The chubby lil’ guy is having the hardest time planting his cute patootie in the patio chair. It’s rough for him, but it’ll put a smile on your face.

You have to watch to the very end for the ultimate fail:

Walk it off, champ. You’ll show that stupid chair who’s boss next time, for sure!

Check out more awesome animal stories in the links below:

When Disaster Struck, This Security Guard Jumped In To Save A Child

When this security officer walked by an airport checkpoint, he noticed a distracted father who was busy repacking his bag. The clumsy man wrapped his baby in his jacket and set her on the table so he could continue checking his luggage. Yet when the father reached to grab the jacket, he had clearly forgotten that his baby was inside. Luckily, that’s when our superhero of a security officer saved the day.

Source: Security Guard Makes Amazing Catch to Save Baby by rumblestaff on Rumble

That’s the catch of the year, no matter what anyone says! I bet he’s going to be a fan favorite around that airport for a long while.

For more heart-stopping videos, check these out:

22 Fireworks Fails That'll Have You Rolling On The Ground Laughing

It’s almost the 4th of July, and you know what that means: fireworks are going to be shooting off like crazy! If you love seeing these colorful sparkles explode in the night sky, you’re not alone. Setting off fireworks is a wonderful tradition in America, and it requires a decent amount of expertise to be able to produce even a small fireworks display.

Unfortunately, none of these people have that expertise. You really have to watch them fail at shooting off fireworks. They’ll give you a good reason to avoid doing so yourself.

1. I think the first instruction on fireworks is “Do not insert into mouth.”

2. This guy will never be able to fall asleep again.

3. Talk about a “fire crotch.”

4. Perfect freeze frame.

5. I think that person is a Hydra agent in disguise.

6. Poor doggy.

7. Is that a boomerang firework?

8. Let the man sleep!

9. That’s one way to grill.



21 Super Ironic Things That'll Have You Asking 'Why? Just Why?!'

Life is always better when you can laugh at the little things. This is especially true when you find humor in the small everyday ironies that surround us. According to various studies, an influx of humor can melt away stress and add years onto our lives, and who doesn’t want that?

That’s why you shouldn’t feel bad about laughing at these 21 unfortunate incidents. They’re actually here to help save your life — even if the people involved don’t realize it yet.

1. Goal = failed.

2. Oh wait, you can’t.

3. Fido clearly can’t read.

4. As opposed to only sometimes?

5. Oh, the irony!

6. Volunteering does not equal “mandatory,” guys.

7. That must be hour #6.

8. You’re*

9. Subway doesn’t count, right?

10. Well, that’s useful.

11. …Or maybe we don’t.

12. They SUCK at letting you die.

13. Which…do…I…follow?!

14. You’re making this too easy.

15. A cop is snickering somewhere after looking at this.

16. Does Harry Potter use this?

17. Hehehe.

18. And ends with “OUCH.”

19. Truer words were never spoken.

20. Just think about it for a second.

21. Because of course it is!

(via eBaum’s World)

Thank you, nameless heroes, for making us smile today. Thank you for giving us maybe another year on our lives with your unfortunate mishaps. Keep up the great work!