We cover a lot of stories about rescued animals on ViralNova, and for the most part, people agree that rescuing animals from shelters is the way to go. You save a life, you give an animal a good home, and you help reduce the number of homeless pets in the world. Yet some people are more interested in a breed than in a friend, and many people sadly still continue to buy from breeders and the pet shops that do business with them.
In Phoenix, Arizona, however, that’s now a thing of the past. Along with 59 other cities and counties across the U.S., this city now requires all pet shops to only sell adoptable rescues.
The ordinance was passed in Phoenix in 2013, but a federal judge recently ruled to uphold it, making puppy mills officially off-limits to Phoenix pet shops. The shops now only legally sell dogs and cats that have been rescued.
That means that more dogs like Duke and Lucky here will have the chance to find forever homes.
By limiting where they can sell, and thus demand for their “products,” proponents of this law hope that puppy mills will eventually shut down and become a thing of the past.
Some people say that the law unfairly targets responsible breeders.
Several pet shop owners who say they are against inhumane puppy mills and only buy from responsible breeders have filed suits against this ruling. As of now, the courts say the law is constitutional and will continue to be upheld.
People are thrilled, though, including Phoenix City Councilwoman Thelda Williams.
“This means more protection for puppy lovers and the puppies themselves,” she says. “We have so many dogs in Arizona that need homes. We don’t need to import them.”
The majority of people are happy with the ruling, and equally happy that animals in crowded shelters have more chances of being adopted.
More animals like Minion here will now find loving, stable homes.
(via My Modern Met, AZ Central)
Now that more dogs and cats will be rescued, it may help stem the overpopulation of homeless animals in many areas of the country, including the Southwest. We don’t need to tell you what a difference a rescue makes in the lives of both humans and animals alike. If more cities and counties adopt this ordinance, perhaps overcrowded and high-kill shelters, along with cruel puppy mills, will become a thing of the past.