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This Is What Happens When Kids Try To Finish Famous Proverbs

Many of us reference famous proverbs now and again, even if we’re not quite sure where they come from or what they mean. The important thing is that we know how the quotes go.

That’s why this teacher asked her class of first graders to finish famous proverbs. Their wacky results are completely hilarious.

1. Laugh, and the whole world laughs. Cry, and…

…you have to blow your nose.

2. You can’t teach a dog new…


3. Where there’s smoke, there’s….


4. If you lie down with dogs, you’ll…

If you lie down with dogs, you


…stink in the morning.

5. An idle mind…

…is the best way to relax.

6. Don’t bite the hand that…

…looks dirty.

7. Never underestimate the power of…


8. A bird in the hand…

…is going to poop on you.

9. Strike while the…

…bug is close.

10. If at first you don’t succeed…

…get new batteries.

11. Don’t change horses…

…until they stop running.

12. There are none so blind as…

…Stevie Wonder.

13. Children should be seen and not…

…spanked or grounded.

14. Better late than…


15. The pen is mightier than the…


16. You can lead a horse to water, but…


17. Two’s company, but three’s…

…the Musketeers.

18. When the blind lead the blind…

…get out of the way.

19. Happy is the bride who…

…gets all the presents.

20. No news is…


21. Love all, trust…


22. A penny saved is…

…not much.

(via Imgur)

To see the complete list, head over to Imgur. Kids really do say the darndest things.

For more silly kids, follow the links below: