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25 Facts About Guns And Getting Shot That You Might Not Be Aware Of

Guns have been around every since people discovered how to propel things using explosions. Although gunpowder has also found some less violent uses (fireworks for example), for the most part it has led to a drastic change in the way violence and war are waged. One could say that the development of gunpowder determined the course of human history. It was the Europeans, for example, that came to the Americas with guns and not vice versa. Due to the interesting way in which human history developed, guns have determined the geography, demographics, wealth, and borders of today’s world. Even though the developed world has seen a period of relative peace for the past half century, guns are still a fierce a topic of debate, especially in places like the United States. Without going into the politics, however, today we are going to look at some interesting facts behind these lethal weapons. Some of the facts are quirky, some are serious, some deal with history, and others deal with the actual feelings you might experience were you to get shot. So, whatever you are looking for you are sure to find something interesting on this list of 25 facts about guns and getting shot that you might not be aware of.


The United States leads the world in gun ownership with 88 guns per 100 citizens. Serbia (69.7) , Yemen (54.8), and Switzerland (45.7) follow behind.

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The US has the 28th highest gun related homicide rate in the world (3.2 deaths per 100,000 people annually).

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Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


According to the FBI there were 8,855 murders in the US in 2012

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


However, most gun related deaths in the US are suicides. In fact, in 2012 there were about 20,000 suicides (compared to the 11,000 murders)

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The company Daisy Outdoor Products used to sell windmills. With each windmill they would include a BB gun. The guns became so popular that they stopped selling windmills and started only selling the BB guns.

The company Daisy Outdoor Products used to sell windmills. With each windmill they would include a BB gun. The guns became so popular that they stopped selling windmills and started only selling the BB guns. bb

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


President Garfield’s assassin purchased a gun that he thought would look good in a museum

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Russian astronauts take guns into space to protect themselves against bears just in case they have to divert their landing

Russian astronauts take guns into space to protect themselves against bears just in case they have to divert their landing iss

Source:, Image: wikipedia


Over 90% of violent crimes involving guns are committed by men and over 75% of the victims are also men

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Between police response, emergency transport, hospital fees, court fees, and counseling, the price of one murder in the US totals $441,000

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


On average, 32 people are murdered every day. If we do a little math, we can see that 32 deaths x $441,000 = over 14 million dollars every day due to gun deaths (that’s a lot of money).

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In Arizona it is legal for any citizen to carry a gun but it is illegal to carry nun chucks

In Arizona it is legal for any citizen to carry a gun but it is illegal to carry nun chucks nunchuck

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Although your chances of getting shot are less than the media would have you believe. How would it feel? Well, it depends who you ask, but most accounts describe the first second after a gun wound as shock. As in you don’t feel anything. What happens next depends on where you were shot but most people describe the initial feeling as burning. After that, things will really begin to depend on the situation. If you have been shot in a critical region then you will most likely pass out.

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Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


In the city of Kennesaw, Georgia, every household is legally required to have a gun

In the city of Kennesaw, Georgia, every household is legally required to have a gun gun

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The Nazis built the largest gun ever. It weighed over 1300 tons and could hit targets 23 miles away.

The Nazis built the largest gun ever. It weighed over 1300 tons and could hit targets 23 miles away. nazi

Source:, Image: wikipedia


Getting shot in the left side of the heart typically causes more bleeding than getting shot in the right side. If you get shot in the liver, it’s reversed. The right side usually causes more bleeding.

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Jailers used to carry keys that doubled as mini guns as a last line of defense

Jailers used to carry keys that doubled as mini guns as a last line of defense jail

Source:, Image: wikipedia


As you may have expected, high trajectory bullets from rifles will do the most damage. However, slower bullets from pistols tend to wobble more, which can also lead to more damage.

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


TASER is short for “Thomas A Swift’s Electric Rifle”


Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Don’t think bulletproof vests will save you from the pain. Although the bullet won’t penetrate, you’ll definitely feel like you just got kicked in the stomach by a horse. The next generation of anti-ballistic technology, however, is making use of carbon nanotubes which may rebound the bullets

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Shotgun manufacturer Mossberg has a line of guns specifically designed for slaying zombies

Shotgun manufacturer Mossberg has a line of guns specifically designed for slaying zombies zombie

Source:, Image: wikipedia


Bullet holes without exit wounds can actually be more dangerous than those that penetrate straight through. This is because the bullet can ricochet and bounce around inside the body

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The revolver was first created by Samuel Colt when he was 16 years old

The revolver was first created by Samuel Colt when he was 16 years old colt

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Contrary to what Hollywood would have you believe, bullets will not cause you to drop down dead immediately. As you can probably deduce by now, you are capable of being shot numerous times and surviving.

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Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Mexico has only one legally operated gun store

Mexico has only one legally operated gun store gunstore

Source:, Image: wikipedia


To give you some hard statistics, only 5% of gunshots are fatal. As one doctor noted, “One bullet can kill, but sometimes 20 don’t”. It’s basically dumb luck.

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Source: nytimes/Dr. Vincent J. M. DiMaio, Image: wikipedia