Showing posts with label #hilarious. Show all posts

22 Hilarious Letters To Santa That Will Make You Laugh And Laugh

Writing an annual letter to Santa Claus in an important ritual for most kids. The perfect chance to let everyone know what they want for Christmas, kids often pour out their hearts to the big man in order to secure the perfect gift. It’s also so important to make sure you end up on the nice list.

Sometimes though the heartfelt and cute messages to Santa get a little weird – they are kids after all!

Here are 22 hilarious letters to Santa that will make you laugh and laugh.


1 136


2 223


3 313


4 410


5 511



6 66


7 77


8 86


9 95


10 106



11 1111


12 1210


13 137


14 144


15 154



16 163


17 173


18 183


19 193


20 202


21 2110


22 224

Children are absolutely amazing, and don’t you forget it! While my Santa letters were a lot more tame than these, I hope my kids manage to craft some amazing messages to old Saint Nick.

If You're Looking For A Way To Get Rid Of Fall Leaves...Don't Do This

Cleaning up leaves is a huge pain in the butt. It’s not all fun and games like Snoopy would have you believe. A lot of people dread going out into their yards every year and raking dead leaves.

These guys came up with a much faster way to get rid of those pesky leaves, but I absolutely would not recommend that you do this. It seems insanely dangerous, and beyond that, insanely stupid.

(via The Chive)

What happened in their brains that make them think, “You know what? This is a great idea.” They’re lucky that they didn’t set the whole neighborhood ablaze. With that being said, it looked totally awesome, and it did get rid of a bunch of leaves. But seriously, just don’t do this, okay?

What This Dad Is Letting His Daughter Do Makes Him My New Hero

The hit movie of the summer was the blockbuster sequel, Jurassic World. Since its release, kids and adults everywhere are, once again, obsessed wtih dinosaurs. Everything dino-related has found a resurgence in popularity. People have rekindled their love with the ancient animals and they have no qualms about showing it.

This dad, however, is taking it a bit further. The Imgur user bought an inflatable T-rex costume and is taking his daughter everywhere with it on. And when we say everywhere, we mean everywhere.

From the parking lot…

Front Page Edit: Due to everyone&#039;s open acceptance of Dino Dad I can finally come out to the world! I&#039;m tyranno-sexual! Thank you all!:PSeriously though. imgur inspired me to write a kids book this year to help educate young kids on how to responsibly use all the devices that are thrust upon them so early. It&#039;s just a silly book about not staring at screens all day when you&#039;re that young. I&#039;m looking for a illustrator if anyone&#039;s interested and has the skills. Here is a lil addicted imgurian I had commissioned: <a class="imgur-image" data-hash="g57qFWA" href="//"></a> All the characters are giraffe people. REPRESENT! PM me if you want to work with DINO DAD!

…To the basketball courts…

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…To the bowling alley…

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…To the TV store…

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…To the winter hills.

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(via Distractify)

This might be the best idea I have ever seen. I’d walk around in this inflatable dinosaur outfit, even without kids.

Keep doing what you’re doing, DinoDad!

They Might Look Like Two Normal Guys, But When You Find Out The Truth, You'll Be Amazed

Now that Halloween is over, it’s fun to recap everyone’s amazing costumes. Since the spooky holiday has come and gone, there’s no more competition involved. We just get to sit back and enjoy looking at the completely epic ideas that people came up with.

This father-son costume might just be the best of the bunch. Instead of dressing as celebrities or zombies, they decided to dress as each other. The resemblance is uncanny. You need to see this to believe it.

(via Today)

What an awesome idea! I’m sure they fooled everyone…which definitely could’ve gotten weird. So what do you think? Will you give something like this a try next year?

When You Let Dad Play On The Playground, No Good Can Come Of It

Dads are notorious for being bumbling, adorable creatures. I mean, just ask any sitcom writer under the sun. Dads just can’t catch a break, but hey, at least they’re trying.

These dads just want to hang with their kids on the playground. At first, they’re just doing their parental duties by keeping their kids entertained and safe…but after a while, things start getting ugly.

Source: These dads are too big for the playground by vidibona on Rumble

These dads will forever be known as bozos, but guess what! I’m sure they’d rather look like bozos than miss out on playing with their kids. That’s why you just have to love dads.

These Poor Trick-Or-Treaters Got Quite A Scare On Halloween

Halloween is an exciting time for little kids. I mean, it’s the one day each year when taking candy from strangers is a good idea. It also allows these precious kiddos to dress up as their favorite monsters, superheroes, and cartoon characters. What’s not to love?

But it’s not all fun and games for little trick-or-treaters. Sometimes, they encounter quite a few bumps in the road on their quest to get candy from every house in the neighborhood.

Source: Trick or treat mishaps by vidibona on Rumble

As bad as it is to watch kids suffer, you have to admit that they’re pretty funny when they’re scared. These situations — no matter how scary — are never enough to deter them from filling up their buckets with sweet treats, though. You have to admire them for that.

Watch This Tiny Girl Pull A Prank On Her Dad In The Cutest Way Possible

Anyone who has ever played a prank knows that a key part in fooling someone is the element of surprise. It makes the prank so much better when the innocent victim has no idea what’s coming.

And who says you can’t start young? This adorable little girl is already a prank master! She set up a hidden camera to make sure the whole experience was recorded when she terrified her dad.

Source: Little girl pulls off hidden camera prank on dad by CraigLayton on Rumble

What a hilarious little girl! She totally understands what it takes to be a top-notch prankster. I certainly hope she didn’t give her dad a heart attack, though, because he sure seemed spooked by the whole thing. At least this little cutie was apologetic!

Football Is Back...And These Adorable Little Professionals Are, Too

No matter how much these kids love playing football, they all have a long way to go before they make it to the pros. This video makes it very, very clear that these little ones don’t understand the fundamentals just yet.

But don’t worry. Until they master the art of football, we get to enjoy their hilarious highlight reel.


Seeing that dog make the game-winning tackle is the best thing about this video, but it’s hard to pick a favorite moment when the whole thing is so cute.

23 Selfies That Will Make You Hate Humanity

Selfies are a staple on social media. Although they’re extremely common, people who take too many selfies are often subject to endless ridicule. The selfies taken by these people are the ones that garner the most negative attention.

You honestly won’t believe how stupid they are.

1. Check your reflection before you post those selfies.

2. The framed selfie is truly horrifying.

3. That’s how I feel about selfie sticks, too.

4. Okay, that’s kind of funny.

5. Flush! Just flush before you selfie!

6. When you can’t afford a selfie stick.

7. Pretty bad timing.

8. That’s just wrong.

9. Because this is what your parents are paying for.

10. Inception selfie.

11. Why? Just why?

12. No respect. None.

13. What a waste of food.

14. That can’t be sanitary.

15. Clever.

16. What a romantic dinner!

17. This seems unnecessary.

18. I feel like the amount of effort that went into this is a little ridiculous.

19. That’s old school.

20. What is the connection between taking selfies and pooping?

21. You’re not using it right.

22. Showing off that new selfie stick…by taking a selfie with it.

23. Even former President Clinton gets in on the action.

(via Diply)

If these selfies aren’t enough to make you hate humanity, then you are a better person than I am. Why would people take photos like those? I guess all we can do is laugh.

After Getting Engaged, This Couple Took The Best Photos Of All Time

Getting engaged is an important step for every couple. Promising to spend the rest of your life with someone is a huge deal! It’s obviously important to pick out a beautiful ring, but another crucial part of the process is taking stunning engagement photos to match.

But some couples like to take a less formal approach. There’s nothing wrong with sharing your sense of humor, right?

These engagement photos are supremely awkward.

But they really showcase this couple’s sense of humor.

We can only hope that their wedding-day garb will be better than what they’re wearing here.

But this works for now…I guess.

Can you imagine these photos hanging on the wall?

They’re almost painful to look at.

But they’re also hilarious.

These two look like they’d be attractive if they weren’t wearing all of that ridiculous clothing.

She clearly can’t keep a straight face.

But hey, at least they’re happy!

(via Imgur / patty2fatty)

If their bond is as strong as these pictures are awkward, these two will be together forever. Congratulations, you wonderful weirdos!