Showing posts with label #straydogs. Show all posts

This Stray Dog Was Facing Serious Health Complications, But Watch Him Transform

When we cover stray dogs — which is often, sadly — we usually see them as starving and emaciated before they’re rescued. Most, if not all, have spent their lives scrounging for food on the unforgiving streets. In some cases, though, they have the exact opposite problem — but are just as much at risk.

This is Bolinha. This senior stray lived near a gas station in western Brazil for 13 years, and was fed table scraps by the well-meaning, but misguided townspeople.

Dogs aren’t supposed to eat people food, and as a result of not getting the proper canine diet, Bolinha’s weight ballooned until he weighed 80 pounds. A dog his size should weigh about 35.

When rescuers found him, he could barely move from all the excess weight. His joints were under massive strain and he was having trouble breathing.

The first order of business was to give Bolinha a bath — his first ever. He seemed to enjoy it!

He settled right in.

Bolinha was put on a strict exercise regimen, walking on a submerged treadmill. The water helped alleviate the pressure on his joints.

His food intake was also obviously changed. It was reduced, and all those table scraps were replaced with healthy dog chow. He also made lots of new friends!

Over time and with a lot of hard work, Bolinha shed 30 pounds! He’s moving and breathing much more easily now.

His caretakers would like him to lose 15 more pounds, putting him at his ideal weight. He’s looking good!

(via Little Things)

Bolinha is currently living with his rescuers, the Brazilian organization PamPet, which rehabilitates and provides care for mistreated animals. You can see more of their good deeds for needy animals like Bolinha on their website and Facebook page.

This Man Is Willing To Do Anything To Keep His Family Of Former Strays Together

Sometimes, a person’s dedication to their animals can be almost superhuman.

Which is arguably just the case with Steve. He’s doing his very best to give his 11 former stray dogs a stable life, even though that means he has nothing left for himself.

Not long ago, he started a long journey from California to Indiana. The twist? He was going to do it all on a bike.

This is the cart that Steve, an elderly homeless man, was pulling behind a bicycle.

All 11 of his dogs were coming with him on the journey from the West Coast to middle America.

Each and every one of them used to live alone on the streets. Steve rescued them and now they mean the world to him.

While on the road in Arkansas, a woman saw him with his makeshift vehicle and pulled over to see where he was headed.

After the woman learned his story and got permission to post it online, Steve’s luck has increased.

Multiple rescue organizations, including SOAR, have put Steve and his fur baby family up in hotels and provided him with transportation…

Why, you’re probably wondering, was the family going the distance, though?

Once he gets to Indiana, a friend agreed to help him out.

Steve will receive assistance with neutering, spaying, and getting proper medical care for all of his pups.

While some might think the right thing to do would be to take these animals away and put them into rescue programs…

It would be heartbreaking to tear this dedicated family apart. Instead, these pups will rightfully stay with their dad, who has done everything in his power — and even beyond that — to get them what they need to be happy. Local shelters and rescues in the area will take care of the dogs for the immediate future, while Steve works on putting together a life in Indiana with the help of his friend.

We wish the best for this big, furry family. Good luck, Steve!

There are plenty more heartwarming tales where this one came from:

How One Man Came To Fall In Love With A 'Trashmonster' Of A Dog

After moving to Los Angeles, Reddit user trickygonzalez never planned on getting a dog. He works at home at his own business, but travels frequently, and his girlfriend works nine hours a day. So, no dog for the couple, right?

Well, life doesn’t always work out like you plan.

While walking home with some friends, he stumbled upon a mop of fur on the sidewalk. It was a dog, and it seemed to be having trouble walking.

After waiting for someone to claim it (and no one did), the couple flagged down a police officer who suggested they take it home and try to look for the owner in the morning. That’s how his pile of fur ended up in trickgonzalez’s house.

The dog was kind of a mess.

A call to animal services turned up nothing, and because its fur was so matted, trickgonzalez couldn’t tell if the dog was male or female. He decided to call it Lady.

Lady got a much needed bath…

…and a haircut.

This process took more than two hours.

Thanks to the haircut, it was discovered that Lady was, in fact, a male.

He then became Mr. Lady. They also found a collar under all that fur, but no tags.

Over the next two weeks, Mr. Lady’s rescuer put up fliers and contacted local shelters. Mr. Lady actually had a microchip, but the information was years out of date, and the person on record could not be reached.

Mr. Lady was taken to the vet to make sure everything was in order. He also received the classiest travel accommodations.

He was very brave at the vet, and received all of his vaccinations.

Then it was off to the groomer. While trickgonzalez had given him a much-needed haircut, Mr. Lady was still pretty grungy.

After the groomer, Mr. Lady was a whole new dog!

It was discovered that Mr. Lady was pretty portly, but trickygonzalez says that the haircut made a huge difference in the dog’s comfort. He became much more active, “like he could move again,” and seemed more comfortable.

Mr. Lady started settling in.

And he’ll probably be on a bit of a diet.

But he’s much happier now, and it looks like this is going to be his new home.

(source Reddit)

Though they weren’t planning on getting a dog, trickgonzalez says that he feels he and Mr. Lady were meant to find each other, and he’ll just have to adapt to having a dog. As another strange coincidence, a FedEx deliveryman recognized the dog one day while delivering a package; he’d been feeding Mr. Lady half a sandwich every day while Mr. Lady was on the street.

Mr. Lady got a happy ending and a loving home, thanks to the kindness of strangers. But there are still many more animals out there that need help!