Showing posts with label #mirror. Show all posts

A Sweet Little Girl Plays Peek-A-Boo With Her Own Reflection

Entertaining a child is normally a rewarding (but totally exhausting) experience. You constantly need to come up with new material, or you’ll be forced to pay the consequences. Luckily for these parents, however, their child is far more creative than most when it comes to entertaining herself.

All this little one needs is a mirror and her own reflection to have a good time!


She’s having the time of her life and making things easier for her parents. I’m sure they’re both eternally grateful for that.

This Corgi Puppy Doesn't Understand Mirrors -- But That's Okay With Us!

Mirrors are confusing, right?

I mean, if you’ve never seen one before and are a silly fur baby who is still getting used to, say, stairs…

When this tiny corgi sees his own reflection, he’s quite confused. Just watch as he sorts out the mystery that is the amazing mirror!


We can only imagine he’s thinking: “I don’t know who that other pup is over there, but he sure is handsome!”

It Turns Out This Goose's Evil Twin Lives In A Mirror...And He's Not Happy

When this adorable goose wandered around a lawn recently, he was startled when he came across a window. For the first time ever, he saw his reflection. Just then, he could have marveled at his beauty, his glory, his strength.

But instead, he decided the reflection must be his mortal enemy, and attacked it…


He reminds me of a certain someone…