Showing posts with label #pups. Show all posts

A Momma Pup Was Brutally Stabbed...But Refused To Die To Save Her Babies

This past August, citizens of Ireland’s capital came across something incredibly disturbing. They found a severely injured greyhound wandering the streets. Thankfully, they called the Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals straight away.

It appeared that someone, for who knows what reason, stabbed her multiple times.

The wounds ran deep, and Cinnamon was very weak…but she had a very good reason to stay alive.

Twelve of them, in fact! Just a few days after she was rescued, she gave birth to this batch of adorableness.

The eight boys and four girls were aptly named Basil, Chilli, Ginger, Jasmine, Lavender, Nutmeg, Paprika, Pepper, Saffron, Sage, Salt, and Wasabi.

Here she is safe and sound, with all of her pups.

Mom and the little ones will rest easy in their foster home until they all find loving forever homes.

(via The Dodo)

It’s amazing what a mother will withstand when she knows she has children to protect…but it’s also so disturbing that someone would put her in that position in the first place. Cinnamon truly is a very strong lady!

If you’d like to donate to the DSPCA, you’ll be helping to make more happy stories like this one possible.

26 Adorable, Fluffy, Irresistible Reasons To Celebrate National Dog Day

August 26 is one of the best days of the year. Why? Well, you may not know it, but it’s National Dog Day! (Not that every day isn’t like National Dog Day for all the true pup lovers out there.) It’s a day to bust out the party hats, bells, and whistles, because it’s your prime excuse to celebrate that pooch of yours!

Let’s get started with these 26 reasons why you should do something special for your canine companion today:

1. They couldn’t care less if they’re missing a limb.

2. …Or two.

3. They get super excited when they meet a look-alike.

4. They come in all shapes and sizes.

5. They’re really good at tennis.

6. And can teach you how to skateboard.

7. They’re super easy to forgive.

8. They make great beds…for other dogs.

9. Sometimes they even let the cat sleep on them.

10. They’re just as pumped about puppies as we are.

11. Because, well…they’re kinda weird.

12. Forbidden love has never stopped them.

13. Because of head tilts.

14. They’re very helpful shopping companions.

15. They really, REALLY appreciate the little things.

16. They make great first mates.

17. They’re always there for each other.

18. Even if they have totally different personalities, they’re still best friends.

19. They give the most comforting goodbyes.

20. They also can’t wait to greet you when you get home.

21. They win awards just for being cute.

22. They really appreciate your massages.

(And you don’t mind giving them, either.)

23. Because they’re very photogenic. All of them.

24. Each…

25. And every…

26. One of them.

There are hundreds, no, thousands of other reasons to celebrate this day. I’m sure you all have your own special reason to celebrate your fur baby…so dish out the treats and extra snuggles! Maybe a surprise trip to the lake or dog park is in order?

Your Heart Won't Be Able To Handle This Puppy Mimicking A Wolf's Howl

Sometimes you see a video and you know it’ll stay with you for awhile. But every now and again, you see one and know you’ll remember it forever. That’s what we have today with a puppy learning to howl for the very first time.

When she first hears the call of wild wolves on her owner’s laptop, she doesn’t know what to do…but she soon follows her instincts, and produces the most adorable sound ever!

She’s ready to run wild…just maybe keep her on the leash, because she’s still an itty-bitty thing!

For more adorable puppy stories, check these out…