Showing posts with label #cutecow. Show all posts

When This Cow's BFF Stops By, She Does The Sweetest (And Funniest) Thing For Him

When your best friend stops by unannounced, how do you normally react? Well, since it’s 2015, you probably ask them why they didn’t call or text first, but then you might offer them a cup of tea or some cookies you “shouldn’t be eating anyway.” But what this cow does when her pal stops by her stall just to say hi is both sweet and hilarious at the same time!

“I really missed you!”

I bet that pup wasn’t expecting such an amorous greeting when he walked up to the stall…but no harm done! Mrs. Cow probably just thought her canine friend needed a quick rinse before they went out for a night on the farm.

This Cow And Pig Playing Is Everything That Is Good And Wonderful With The World

Young ones have the biggest, most whimsical imaginations. Just watch any group of five-year-olds during recess or running in the backyard…they play make-believe kings or robots, craft flower crowns…the options are endless. The best part is that they have no reservations — no shame in showing how joyful they are at any given moment.

Adults tend to lose that freedom, becoming more and more self-conscious about their actions, words, and appearances. But it’s important to remember that you need to follow your own heart and enjoy each and every moment!

Let your inner kid out…and if you must, channel these two rescued babies in the process:

Run like no one is watching.

Cuddle like it’s your last.

Snuggle like you mean it.

We could all learn a thing or two from them…

Lucy and Desi

The day Lucy arrived I was worried Desi and her may not get along.#happyherd

Posted by The Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary on Friday, October 17, 2014

(source Facebook)

These two really are a reminder to let go of your insecurities every once in a while! If you feel like rolling around in a shady patch of dirt, go right ahead! Just as long as you don’t have any important business meetings directly after, as you might want to shower first.