Showing posts with label #beautiful. Show all posts

If You Love Food Or Design, You Need To See This Instagram Account

If you love food and pretty things, then Tal Spiegel’s Instagram account, Desserted in Paris, is about to become your favorite thing on the Internet. Based in Paris, Spiegel is both a pastry chef and a graphic designer.

Not only can he create seriously mouthwatering pastries, but he can also make them look completely gorgeous. The result is one of the most delicious Instagram accounts out there. Here’s a small sampling of his work.

A pistachio-cherry pastry that looks like a flip-flop.

A gorgeous chocolate design.

A little lemon sun.

A raspberry meringue.

Another chocolate pastry (because you can never have too many).

We’re not sure exactly what this one is, but we like it.

Snapshots of food uploaded to Instagram can get old really fast, but these are too good to be annoying. It’s also kind of cool that his shoes often make it into the shot. Shoes and food are both popular Instagram subjects, after all. Combining them into one picture might sound awful, but Spiegel makes it work.

A lime and strawberry tart.

Some graphic eclairs.

We’re glad there’s photo evidence, because they probably taste as good as they look.

It would be so hard to eat this!

Pastries don’t have to be bright to be deliciously beautiful, though.

This one is like a tiny, edible collage.

We’re the first people to make fun of food photos on social media (even though we’re all admittedly guilty of taking them), but when the food looks this good, we can’t blame anyone for snapping a quick photo.

It looks like modern art, but this is bourbon vanilla buttercream, salted caramel, and praline.

(via A Plus, Design Taxi)

For your daily dose of drool-inducing aesthetic pleasure, check out the rest of Spiegel’s Instagram, which includes many more images of mouthwatering and beautiful desserts.

These 31 Little Minimalist Tattoos Are All Absolutely Gorgeous

A lot of people don’t like tattoos because they think they’re aggressive and distasteful. But not every tattooed person is covered in dragons and flames. While I’m not about to judge anyone for their choice in how to decorate their own body, I understand why some people seem to generalize all tattoos as “bad,” just because they don’t see the more delicate versions of ink.

Well, that stops today! Here are 31 totally petite tats that’ll change how you see the art entirely:

1. An olive branch as delicate as the sentiment.

A photo posted by @ernestlinden on

2. Just like a necklace, only permanent.

3. These crisscross flower stems are oh so petite.

A photo posted by Liza D. (@lizadumon) on

4. The only bobby pin out of hundreds she’ll ever be able to find when she needs one.

5. Perpetual fall, aka, pure bliss.

A photo posted by Sol Art (@soltattoo) on

6. No one ever said love was painless!

A photo posted by Lyn Toh (@simply_simply) on

7. This love is all-encircling.

A photo posted by Kristin (@pumkiinpiie) on

8. “Goodnight, Moon,” said the cacti.

9. It’s good to keep the ocean near you.

A photo posted by @lu_risi_tattoo on

10. It’s nice to stay close to the forest, too.

A photo posted by Lucy Mae (@lucymaecutty) on

11. A bright reminder to just keep smiling.

12. But honestly, what could ever make you happier than a tiny dinosaur?!

A photo posted by Mandy (@sneakette) on

13. The world’s most adorable sailboat:

14. Coffee, anyone?

15. Or how about some nice, fresh fruit?

A photo posted by @dovmeduragi on

16. “I see you.”

A photo posted by @emilynnholler on

17. Everyone loves little terrariums.

18. Origami is just as beautiful in 2D.

A photo posted by Ollie (@olliet2) on

19. The little things in life…

A photo posted by E.K. (@regiusink) on

20. Turns out, you don’t need to put a hole through your ear to decorate it, but a needle is still involved.

A photo posted by Kevin King (@blvckwork) on

21. Whether you believe or not…this little alien is pretty cute.

A photo posted by Alyssa (@shadow_of_nil) on

22. We’ll never know what the prescription for these tiny specs is.

23. Sometimes all you need is a little simple geometry to keep you grounded.

24. The simpler, the better.

A photo posted by On (@0ntattoo) on

25. “Woof.”

26. This space scene is too cute to handle.

27. She’ll never get this tune unstuck, but that’s a good thing.

28. A beautiful reminder to go see the world!

29. Become one with the lightning.

30. This script is just so thin and perfect; “Miracles in February.”

A photo posted by Sol Art (@soltattoo) on

31. I never thought I’d think a pair of scissors was so beautiful.

A photo posted by @lu_risi_tattoo on

Uh oh, now I’m feeling the itch to go back under the needle. Sorry, Dad. These are all so beautiful…I’m jealous!

A Photographer Braves Nature's Rage To Capture Wild, Terrifying Beauty

California’s wildfires are not to be taken lightly. They sweep over the land, incinerate entire towns and forests, and leave destruction in their wake. Every day, firefighters battle to keep the flames away from homes and businesses, while residents are sometimes forced to evacuate.

It seems hellish, but Los Angeles-based photographer Stuart Palley sees another side to the fires, as well. In these blazes, he sees majestic beauty.

For the past few years, Palley has been taking long-exposure night shots of the fires in California.

These exposures allow him to capture glowing light, trails of embers, and all of the stars beyond.

The series is called Terra Flamma, andit comes after tireless years of work.

He also captures the entirety of the landscape, showing how fires relate to the land on a larger scale.

The blue and green lights on the left are artificial lights, and the orange light on the right is the blaze.

Images like this highlight the ways in which these devastating fires affect people, as well.

The large-scale shots really emphasize how massive California’s forest fires can become.

In case you’re wondering, that ring of light is from a helicopter, not a UFO.

His work also pays homage to the brave men and women who battle these blazes.

(via Colossal, PetaPixel)

Palley is no fool when it comes to the power of California’s fires. Each time he goes out to shoot, he takes precautions to ensure both his safety and the safety of any firefighters who may be working close by. He’s also completed a U.S. Forestry Service course on wildfires. Safety first, everyone!

You can see the rest of Terra Flamma and more of Palley’s work on his website, as well as on Twitter and Instagram.

For a more objective view of what Palley’s facing on photoshoots, check out this coverage. Even President Obama is worried about what’s going on in the Golden State:

This Beautiful Church Hides A Wealth Of Tradition In A Truly Jaw-Dropping Way

There’s no doubt that the Church of Santa Maria Tonantzintla in San Andres Cholula, Mexico, is beautiful from the outside. From its patterned, red facade and the pretty blue detailing on its bells to the tree-lined entrance, it’s a charming sight to behold.

The church dates back about 500 years, when the construction started. For a variety of reasons, though, it wasn’t completed until the early 20th century.

Still, it retains a traditional Mexican, or New Spanish, baroque style. This style is similar to the ornate European style, which featured a lot of flourishes, intricate details, and colors, but in the Mexican style, it also saw a lot of indigenous influence.

Take a moment to appreciate that detailing on the spire.

Inside, the walls and ceiling are a riot of figures and details, full of color and life.

There are hundreds and hundreds of human figures, reflecting figures from both the Catholic faith and the indigenous religions, making the church a unique blend of the cultures.

Even its name is reflective of the blending of these cultures. “Santa Maria” refers to the Virgin Mary of Catholic tradition, while “Tonantzintla” means “the place of our mother” in the native language, after the Aztec goddess Tonantzin. Both names reflect the worship and honor of a female figure, and bring the two religions, which might seem very different, to a common ground.

Each figure has been carefully painted.

They also represent both the native and white populations, based on their coloring, hairstyles, and facial features.

In addition to human figures, the plaster decorations also include flowers, fruit, birds, masks, and abstract imagery.

The outside of the church, with its gates decorated.

(via Atlas Obscura, Virtual Tourist)

If you’re ever in Mexico and want to get a real feel for the history and culture of the region, Santa Maria Tonantzintla should definitely be on your itinerary. Its blending of diverse cultures and beautiful styles is guaranteed to be a sight worth seeing.

There are many beautiful, unique churches around the world that reflect their local character: