You can make pretty much anything happen in a picture these days thanks to editing and imaging technology. However, it’s always a fun surprise when you end up with something that looks like a Photoshop job, but was instead created completely by accident.
These photos were taken at just the right moments so that the perspective seems a little, well, off. Luckily, it’s off in the best way possible.
This pack chose its leader for its giant size and ability to walk like a human.
Where snowmobiles failed, giant rescue puppies were ridden into snowbanks to save fallen skiers.
But they’ll always be adorably giant! At least until the angle of the photo changes.
(via The Dodo)
If you’re wondering how these photos were made, it’s actually not digital manipulation. What you’re seeing is called forced perspective, an optical illusion that makes objects appear to be larger or smaller than they actually are. In reality, the dogs are simply much closer to the camera than they appear, so they look huge. By playing with your camera, you can create some forced perspective shots yourself!
And while having a giant dog might seem awesome, consider cleaning up after it!