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It's No Wonder They Say Owners And Dogs Begin To Look Alike -- This Proves It!

German photographer Ines Opifanti adopted her adorable pup three years ago on a whim and, like many of our pets tend to do, the little cutie totally changed her perspective on the world. Opifanti quickly noticed how expressive her dog’s face could be, finding it “almost human-like” at times.

Then she remembered the old adage about humans resembling their pooches and decided to put that to the test in front of her lens. Using real owners and their own four-legged friends for models, Opifanti was able to capture the uncanny connection between humans and canines.

She started by photographing the dogs first.

Situated on a podium, she would have the owners talk with their pups to get different reactions.

Of course, there were also plenty of treats around to really entice the cuties to let their true character show.

Opifanti wanted to make sure the dogs stayed calm and relaxed around all the bright lights and flashing lenses.

Once she’d captured the perfect fluffy face, it was the human’s turn to step in front of the camera.

They were instructed to do their best at mimicking the silly expressions on their dogs’ faces…

And it turned out, they were all pretty darn good at it.

Each interpretation shows just how connected the owners are to their dogs.

Opifanti found her models through a Facebook post requesting volunteers.

She didn’t know any of the people (or pups!) before the photoshoot.

Proving that the incredible bond between human and pet truly is universal.

Opifanti plans to continue her awesome photo project with even more people and pups.

(via Bored Panda)

You can find more of the amazing project in Opifanti’s portfolio. If you’re not too busy testing out your own impression of your pooch, that is. (Don’t worry, we totally tried it, too.)

This Silly Dog Has An Absurd And Totally Hilarious Guilty Habit

Dogs all come with their own set of special quirks. Maybe they get scared when it thunders, or perhaps they have issues with walking on carpets — but this cutie’s strange habit makes him seem more like a human infant than any regular pooch you’ve probably met.

The silly boy can’t help but occasionally suck on his paw like a child would on their thumb. It’s hilariously precious and thankfully happens often enough that his human friends have been able to capture it for all of us to enjoy.

“Oh, I just…uh…stepped on bacon earlier.”

“Nope, this movie is too scary.”

“Oh…you’re home early.”

“Sorry, I needed a late-night snack.”

“You can’t even look at me!”

“Whatever, you’re just jealous.”

(source Reddit)

I don’t think I’d ever stop laughing if I turned around to see my pup looking like that. What a goofball!

When He Realizes He's At The Vet And Not The Park, This Dog Has A Hilarious Reaction

Dogs are never thrilled when it’s time to go to the vet, so most humans have to use a little trickery to get their pooch into the office. Treats are a nice option, but this owner relies on his pup’s naive nature to get the job done.

Here he’s documented the moment his hilariously expressive cutie realized there were no frisbees in his near future.

“Can’t wait to see all my buddies!”

“Wait…I recognize that flea collar brochure.”

“…how could you?”

(source Reddit)

Sorry, sweetie, but it’s important to keep a clean bill of health. Hopefully his human made it up to him on the way home.

Everyone Knows Tourists Are The Worst...Unless They're Adorable Animals!

Vacation is a time to kick back, relax, enjoy a tasty beverage or two, and watch all your worries fade away.

It’s also the perfect opportunity to be the biggest, most shamelessly cliché tourist you can be. But if you feel like your Facebook feed is already clogged with photos of your friends doing the exact same poses on their trip, try letting your four-legged friends tag along (or make new fluffy friends there!) and grab the photo opps for you.

1. “Make sure you get all the palm trees in the background!”

2. “Where’d that cute cabana boy go?”

3. “Those outlet malls aren’t going to shop themselves ’til they drop.”

4. First round of frisbee over? Immediately time for more frisbee!

5. “I’LL tell YOU when I’ve had enough!”

6. “Bro, this is like really beautiful.” “I know, bro…I know.”

7. “You have to sample this, it’s exquisite.”

8. “Yep, this is totally comfortable.”

9. “I’ve seen better.”

10. “No fish for me, no cuddles for you.”

11. I think he lost track of how many shots he had last night.

12. “Eek, it’s so dirty.”

13. Someone always wants to do the jumping-in-the-air pic.

14. “You call this ‘grand’?”

15. “It’s always 5:00 on vacation!”

16. “Anyone need any snacks? Gum? Band-Aid?”

17. “Gimme a boost!”

18. “Heh heh I’m so small!”

19. “Do not show this to anyone at the dog park, or so help me…”

20. She wanted to look fancy for her beach cocktails.

21. “Dude, what if we aren’t riding the wave…but the wave…is riding us?”

22. “Don’t worry, Pisa, I got this.”

See, it’s too adorable to deny. Take your own furry friend for a trip and soon your friends will be hitting the like button before they even know just how much cuteness really hit ’em.

This dog really knows how to chill out on vacation, too!

This Baby Shows His Big Great Dane Dog Exactly Who's The Boss - Too Cute!

Sibling rivalry doesn’t always stick to one species. This human baby proves that in the most hilarious way when he decides to show his big great dane dog brother just who the real boss is in this house…

The poor pup knows he just can’t win against this tough guy. Maybe they’ll reach a peace agreement by the time the kiddo is driving…or when he has his own little sibling they can both gang up on.

24 Hilarious Pets Who Are Totally Terrified By Ordinary, Everyday Items

Not all fears are rational, especially if you happen to be one of our fluffy animal friends. Some particularly skittish pets seem to adopt the “trust no one” policy for every little item that passes their way.

It may not be logical, but the mundane objects scare these adorable cats and dogs silly. It’s hilarious…then again, you can’t help but still feel kind of bad for the super-phobic fur babies.

1. Don’t worry, it’s only bad luck to go UNDER!

2. If only he could walk through walls.

3. “Something touched my leg.”

4. The yellow snake protects him from the lawn monster (mower).


6. “The last two steps are bigger than the rest, I swear.”

7. “Why is that huge metal bird in the sky so loud?”

8. Hey, tweens can be pretty terrifying.

9. “That thing looks like IT’S gonna eat ME!”

10. Someone just decided to be an upstairs-only cat from now on.

11. He actually prefers the invisible ball trick.

12. “Don’t play innocent, I see you talking to the vacuum all the time!”

13. The threshold obviously has a secret forcefield.

14. Safety first!

15. “Why is the sky so angry?”

16. “What if I go down the drain with the water??”

17. To be fair, he is outnumbered.

18. “We’re in a big, moving metal box. WHAT ABOUT THAT ISN’T SCARY.”

19. “It’s okay, I’ll just stay this age.”

20. He prefers Meryl Streep.

21. “But…there’s bugs out there.”

22. Big brothers are way safer than seat belts.

23. “Not the air monsters again, anything but them!”


Maybe with a little patience, or perhaps some therapy, these cuties can conquer their fears. In the meantime, I think they’ve all earned some nice, calm belly rubs.

Check out more adorable animal stories in the links below: