When they decided to redo a spare room in their new home and turn it into a truly beautiful space, Instructables user KanPo Studios and his wife decided to go all out and create a mosaic for the floor.
And we really mean all out. Using stones and decorative glass beads in various colors, they created an ornate floor mosaic that celebrates not only their new home, but also the natural beauty of their native Chile and the world and universe at large.
It’s incredible, and was all designed and created by hand. Take a look:
First, the old flooring was removed.
The central design was sketched out on paper, and the rest of the floor would be designed around it.
The design was laid out on the floor to make sure it was centered.
And then it was time to test out the tiles.
This circular pattern became symbolic of the Earth, with the creators looking to combine themes of astronomy and water.
The tiles and stones were arranged and affixed to the floor.
Of course, certain family members had to observe from afar.
These leaf-like shapes were created by snipping tiles into pieces using regular tile cutters.
Then, the interior design was laid out.
The center design has a fish pattern. The “water” effect would be created using glass stones.
The stones were chosen in blue and white for a splash of color.
They would make a stunning centerpiece for the room.
Some tiles were also added to the base of the walls.
This represents the “Ring of Fire,” the country of Chile (where our story takes place), and the country’s people.
The fish were filled in using tile and stone.
And the background design was laid out.
When the tiles, stones, and glass pieces were in place, it was time for grout.
The inner circle was grouted first, and the glass stones had to be cleaned off afterwards to maintain their shine and color. Oops.
The rest of the floor would include dragonflies, butterflies, and Isabel Segunda flowers, all native creatures of Chile.
Different colored glass stones were used to add accent colors.
It took quite a while, but eventually, the floor was filled in.
Finally, it was all done and ready for more grout.
They chose black grout, which they felt would make the floor more reminiscent of space for their astronomy theme, and would provide a nice contrast with the lighter stones and tiles.
Lastly, a blue stripe was added to the walls, and the floors were done!
The room is far from done — this amazing floor was just the beginning. The room is going to be turned into a library with a little wine bar included, so the homeowners can enjoy some fine wine while reading — and appreciating their beautiful mosaic floor, of course. The bookshelves and bar are still in the works, but we’re hoping for an update soon!