Animals on factory farms have rough, short lives. But few face as brief of a life as this baby goat did when he somehow ended up with a crushed leg on a meat farm in Spain.
But, lucky for Iker, a family rescued the 10-day-old baby from the farm and got in touch with Leon Vegano Animal Sanctuary and Mino Valley Farm Sanctuary.
Here Iker is, getting fed by one of his human caretakers at Leon Vegano Animal Sanctuary…
But his true savior is Cody, a rescued kitten who could sense that Iker was hurt and needed extra attention.
Cody snuggled, groomed, and loved the injured baby goat right when he needed it the most!
He fought hard for his life, and things were looking good…
But one night, he just couldn’t go on. His breathing got heavy, and he passed in the arms of the ones who loved him.
(via The Dodo)
It’s really amazing to see one animal spot another in need, and even more incredible to witness him taking action. I truly believe that Iker wouldn’t have lasted as long as he did if Cody hadn’t been there to keep him company in his time of need.
If you’d like to help out and make a difference in these precious animals’ lives, you can donate to one or both sanctuaries.