Showing posts with label #doghealth. Show all posts

These 5 Household Items Could Cause Your Dog Some Serious Pain

No one wants to put their pup in danger, but there are a surprising number of things that are probably in your house right this second that could send your dog to the emergency room. You wouldn’t think that some items that are so common to us humans could mean life or death for a canine…but that’s why you have to be extra careful.

If you don’t want your pup to suffer…

Keep him or her away from these five potentially fatal items:


If you’re ever tempted to get your pup’s opinion on your new guacamole recipe…just don’t do it! Stick to the treats and save your precious fur baby from a nasty tummy ache.

The Rock Has An Important Message For Dog Owners...And It's One You Need To Hear

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is known for his big muscles, but its his even bigger heart that’s delivering a tragic message to dog owners everywhere now.

Fans following along on Johnson’s Instagram account are familiar with his adorable little pups, Brutus and Hobbs.

He made headlines over Labor Day when the silly boys decided to cannonball right into in the former pro wrestler’s pool and Brutus quickly realized that doggy paddling doesn’t come naturally to him.

A photo posted by therock (@therock) on

Later that same day, Johnson found himself at the vet with the pup when Brutus started getting sick with what he refers to as some “north/south action.” Eek, never fun.

Johnson called the cutie “lil’ zombie Brutus” after he recovered from such a difficult day.

A photo posted by therock (@therock) on

Unfortunately, the curious French bulldog found himself in even worse trouble just a few days ago when he discovered some wild mushrooms while playing with Hobbs outside. After rushing the pup to an emergency veterinarian, Johnson and longtime girlfriend Lauren Hashian made the difficult decision to end his suffering and put their beloved Brutus down.

Within just a few hours, the toxicity of the mushroom had broken down Brutus’ immune system and liver without any hope for treatment.

A photo posted by therock (@therock) on

“Another reminder we have to live and love as greatly as we can today, because tomorrow is never guaranteed,” Johnson writes in his caption. He also says he held the sweet pup’s paw as he drifted away peacefully.

He hopes to warn other dog owners about the danger that could be lurking in their yards as well. Keep a sharp eye out for any suspicious plants and fungi in your area to make sure you don’t have to deal with the same heartbreaking situation.

Her Dog Was Just Playing With His Favorite Toy When This Tragedy Struck

Dog owners everywhere are familiar with the Kong brand toy. The ultra-durable material has been proven to withstand even the toughest of canine teeth without causing damage to their dental health. They also feature the convenient opening for a treat to keep them occupied even longer.

While that usually means hours of fun for the dog, this poor pup suffered tragically from his favorite toy.

Warning: some of these photos may be hard to look at due to their graphic nature.

Maximus was a loyal, sweet, humble dog according to his human Jamie Stumpf.

She decribes the gentle rottie as a fearless defender of his pack, puppy raiser, cat whisperer, and an all-around amazing pooch.

But one day while playing with his favorite Kong toy, the pup’s tongue was suctioned in by its opening.

This is the totally normal, average toy most dog owners have probably seen.

As he continued to decline, Stumpf knew having a major portion of the tissue removed would severely hinder his quality of life.

And with a vet bill climbing over $3,700, she made the difficult and heartbreaking decision to put Maximus down.

(via San Fransisco Globe.)

As she and her family mourn this incredible loss, Stumpf hopes to warn others about this potential tragedy with their own pups.

Representatives from Kong have stated that this is the first time any health issue has been associated with their toys and that they are taking the steps to fully investigate and prevent any future family from experiencing this awful situation ever again.

If Your Curious Dog Is Stung By A Bee...This Is What You Have To Do

No matter what time of year it is, if our dogs are outside, they’re sniffing things, eating things, and all-around being curious about Mother Nature. While summer is coming to a close, you should still be just as vigilant about keeping an eye on them because your pup, along with chasing squirrels, could also get themselves into a little trouble with a small, stinging threat: bees and wasps.

Say your furry friend is sniffing around the garden…

What that really means is that he could be (unknowingly) irritating a bee or wasp.

When a bee or wasp stings, there is a little bit of poisonous venom released.

A bee’s stinger is barbed, and will tear apart from the body, killing the bee and preventing it from stinging more than once. A wasp, on the other hand, doesn’t have a barbed stinger, so your pup’s at more risk. Be careful not to lead her close to a nest!

If your dog IS stung…

First, remove the stinger if there is one. Try to scrape it away with a fingernail or cardboard. Squeezing it with tweezers might squirt more of the venom out.

Then, apply a weak mixture of water and baking soda onto the area to help with the pain.

To keep the swelling down, you can also wrap an ice pack in a towel and hold it to the sting.

If your pooch is stung in the throat or inside of the mouth, you should call your vet.

Swelling in those areas is dangerous for obvious reasons — breathing being one of them.

Another reason to call the vet is if the swelling doesn’t go down within a few days.

You’ll also want to keep a close eye on your fur baby for the hours following the incident to make sure an allergic reaction doesn’t occur. If your pup is stung multiple times or is showing weakness or difficulty breathing, those are signs of a severe reaction and you should go to vet immediately.

If you follow these steps, your pup will soon be as good as new!

A photo posted by Aspen (@aspen_the_weim) on

And hopefully, they’ll learn to leave the tiny buzzy flying things alone. Now get out there with your pooch and enjoy the rest of the summer (safely)!

There's A Simple Way To Keep Your Dog Comfy When Trimming Her Nails

Many pet owners don’t know that their dogs need to have their nails clipped just like we do. If they break, it can cause pain or even infection, so it’s important to make sure that either you know how to cut your pup’s nails, or that you take her to the vet to have them professionally clipped.

Some dogs are very obedient and don’t mind the “pampering” at all…

But others need a little peanut butter distraction for you and a couple reinforcements to get the job done.

But let’s get to the nitty-gritty: DON’T use human clippers. The nail cutters below are specifically made for dogs.

You should always do your best to avoid the quick.

The quick is where the blood supply starts, and if you nip it, you’ll get a lot of bleeding and a very unhappy canine.

Luckily, there are three easy ways to stop the bleeding should you accidentally cut too far into the nail.

1. Cornstarch and water

Mix the two together to make a paste. Then, use a Q-tip to apply it to the bleeding nail. Don’t wipe the blood away — just let the paste sit for a few minutes. The purpose is to coagulate the blood. If one layer doesn’t work, add another. (If you don’t have cornstarch, substitute flour or baking soda.)

2. Bar soap

Use a natural, preferably unscented bar of soap, and press your dog’s nail into it. Hold it there for about five minutes (maybe distracting them with some more peanut butter or treats…) and the bleeding should stop.

3. Styptic powder

This powder contains silver nitrate, which is the most effective way to stop bleeding. You can buy this at most pet stores, and all you have to do is dip the nail into the power and apply some pressure with a paper towel. This will sting a little, so if your pup is squeamish, you may want to try the more natural remedies first.

Now your dog can get back to more important tasks…

(via BarkPost)

You’re armed with how to get you and your dog out of a tricky situation! Of course, if none of these remedies work, you may have a more serious problem on your hands, and you should call your vet immediately.

It should also be noted that cats need to have their nails trimmed, too, but much less often than dogs, and that’s only because they’re busy ruining your new leather sofa (or being a good cat and using the scratching post you bought them). However, if you have a less active or older cat, you’ll need to trim his nails, too. Cat nail trimmers are different from the dog ones, so you’ll need a different pair.

11 Ways That Dogs Keep Your Body Healthier And More Fit Into Old Age

It’s common knowledge that having a canine companion will make you happier…but did you know that it can also make you healthier? According to a recent scientific study, dog owners roughly the age of 79 had the bodies of those who were a decade younger. What’s that mean? That when you own a dog, you can shave years off your age and add them to your lifespan.

Here are some of the reasons why:

1. Dogs encourage personal activity.

No matter what the condition of the weather (or the condition of your attitude) is, you have to take your dog for a walk so that he or she can do their business. No ifs ands ors or buts about it.

2. Once you’re motivated, you’re more likely to continue on that kick.

Once you fall into a routine, you’re more likely to stick with it, and maybe even get more ambitious with it, perhaps adding in a weight class or turning those walks into jogs.

3. Pups tend to dawdle.

When a pooch is looking for the perfect place to do his business, he’s not consciously taking forever to keep your heart rate up, but that’s definitely the outcome.

4. Pups love to run.

…So if you’re healthy enough to join in, why wouldn’t you? It looks like so much fun!

5. Dogs encourage you to be outside.

You can’t keep your pup locked up in the TV room all day, and you can’t send him to the lake alone…do you see where I’m going with this?

6. Canines love to play games.

Even if you’re not able to go on long runs, a simple game of fetch or frisbee can do you good. A couple steps to pick up a ball a dozen times a day can really add up!

7. Chances are, you’ll get a good laugh out of your pup at least once a day.

How’s that good for your heath, you ask? Laughter can aid blood flow, boost your immune system, moderate blood sugar levels, and also help you catch a good night’s sleep. Basically, everything that is opposite of stress and worrying, which will deteriorate your body.

8. Your dog will keep you company.

There’s no way you can feel lonely when you have a guaranteed happy-to-see-you face greeting you at the end of each day.

9. Dogs encourage water cooler chitchat.

Or in this case, water fountain chitchat. I’ve seen it happen a million times: one dog says hello to another dog, and their humans are forced to engage in conversation, too. Even the most awkward people understand that this is how the dog park works. How does this help your health? Having friends in your life boosts your morale!

10. Your pooch depends on you for her health.

When you’re in charge of the diet and exercise of another being, like Fluffy here, it makes you more conscious of your own lifestyle choices.

11. Dogs are all-around good workout companions!

As long as you make sure your pup can keep up with you, and that you aren’t pushing him too hard, your dog is happy to spend all the time in the world with you!

(via Bark Post)

If you’ve never noticed these with your pup before, maybe now that you have them under your belt, you’ll be more aware of the health benefits your fur baby brings to your life!

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