Showing posts with label #funnyselfies. Show all posts

23 Selfies That Will Make You Hate Humanity

Selfies are a staple on social media. Although they’re extremely common, people who take too many selfies are often subject to endless ridicule. The selfies taken by these people are the ones that garner the most negative attention.

You honestly won’t believe how stupid they are.

1. Check your reflection before you post those selfies.

2. The framed selfie is truly horrifying.

3. That’s how I feel about selfie sticks, too.

4. Okay, that’s kind of funny.

5. Flush! Just flush before you selfie!

6. When you can’t afford a selfie stick.

7. Pretty bad timing.

8. That’s just wrong.

9. Because this is what your parents are paying for.

10. Inception selfie.

11. Why? Just why?

12. No respect. None.

13. What a waste of food.

14. That can’t be sanitary.

15. Clever.

16. What a romantic dinner!

17. This seems unnecessary.

18. I feel like the amount of effort that went into this is a little ridiculous.

19. That’s old school.

20. What is the connection between taking selfies and pooping?

21. You’re not using it right.

22. Showing off that new selfie stick…by taking a selfie with it.

23. Even former President Clinton gets in on the action.

(via Diply)

If these selfies aren’t enough to make you hate humanity, then you are a better person than I am. Why would people take photos like those? I guess all we can do is laugh.

These 20 People Are Definitely Dead After Taking These Selfies (Well...Almost)

Selfies are all the rage now, but that doesn’t mean they don’t come with their setbacks. In fact, a recent study came out that concluded that more people die taking selfies than getting attacked by sharks.

These people seem like they’re on a mission to become part of that statistic. Check out what they decided to do in the name of selfies, and then do everything in your power to avoid repeating their mistakes.

1. He climbed to the top of a Jesus statue, and he will probably meet him after this.

2. Well, yeah, someone is definitely dead in this situation.

3. Is that a missile? Should he be taking pictures of this?

4. Run from those bulls, baby!

5. This is in poor taste.

6. Okay, this isn’t deadly, but it sure is stupid.

7. What is with these people? Stay away from bears!

8. And sharks! Stay away from sharks!

9. Please don’t turn it on…

10. You know people wash their butts in there, right?

I like to think that human stupidity like this can also be deadly in its own way.

11. This is amazing timing. Absolutely amazing.

12. My palms are sweaty, and I’m not even in this.

13. Who are you trying to impress?

14. These girls might be dead soon, because that pooping man in the background looks pretty upset.

15. That’s not a good idea with or without a selfie.

16. Just hanging out by some lava, eh?

17. I can’t even feel bad for you at this point.

18. Mom might kill you after this one.

19. Dying from embarrassment is probably a thing, right?

20. Speaking of embarrassment…

(via The Roosevelts / The Telepgraph / Runt of the Web)

It’s no wonder people are dying by taking selfies. In the last year alone, 12 people have died by doing stupid things like this, and only eight were killed by sharks. How’s that for an amazing statistic? Take all the selfies you want, people…maybe just don’t take them with bears.