If you’ve never witnessed the glory of a Maine coon cat, prepare yourself for heaping hunks of fluffy cuteness.
The big felines average at about 17 pounds when they’re adults, but the cuties can also just keep growing until they’re closer to 30 pounds! That’s a whole lot of sweet, cuddly cat love for their lucky humans. Don’t be surprised if you’re tempted to bring home your own big guy (or girl!) after laying eyes on all these adorable gentle giants.
1. “Diet schmiet.”
3. These ears are on point.
4. “What? Why are you always taking my picture?”
5. Bundles of cuteness even when they’re still itty-bitty.
6. So casual, so fluffy.
7. “Oh, hi there. You didn’t want to, I don’t know, cuddle me? Eh?”
8. They’ll be bigger than all of them combined soon enough.
9. “Yep, I’m even more adorable upside down.”
10. These paws mean business.
11. “I love hugs…”
12. “Let’s not with the laser pointer, mk?”
13. “Psh, I’m way prettier than flowers.”
14. I wonder what conditioner she uses.
15. “Come back and snuggle me!”
16. “Hey, I’ve lost three pounds, okay?”
17. “That fly will not escape my wrath.”
18. “Stop laughing and help me get up!”
19. “These dishes have been here for…a while, huh?”
20. “…Is that catnip?”
21. “Nope, no clue how those orange hairs got on your lunch.”
22. He’s just a lil’ baby boy!
23. Here we observe the mighty hunter in his natural territory: the backyard.
24. “Okay, you were right. This does feel better.”
25. Stick a handle on him and you could clean the whole kitchen.
26. Behind-the-scenes peek at Vogue Kitty‘s next cover.
27. A mountain of relaxation.
28. Like living in a permanently cozy comforter.
29. “These plants really make my eyes pop.”
30. Remember: that’s a normal-sized, human chair.
31. The static before a storm always brings out her superpowers.
32. Just a couple of chill bros chillin’.
The best part? They probably won’t mind being the big spoon when it’s time for bed.