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He Didn't Do Much To This Slab Of Wood, But Once It's Inside It Looks Amazing

In the age of IKEA furniture, it’s really hard to find an affordable, unique, and DURABLE coffee table to tie your living area together. Well, if you can get your hands on a rough-cut slab of wood, you’re just a few quick steps away from a totally one-of-a-kind piece of furniture!

One man snagged this slab for just $20.

It doesn’t look like much now, but just wait!

Once you find your own, give it a preliminary sanding and remove the bark from the edges.

Then, start planing.

And plane some more (and more, and more, until it’s nice and smooth).

Add some hairpin legs and test it out in the room. Looks good? Cool, now back to work.

Pick the perfect stain for your slab o’ wood.

Apply as many coats as you see fit, then add some wood finish for a little shine.

Spray-paint the legs black for a sleek touch.

And just like that, you’re cooler than all your friends.

“Am I in a Pottery Barn catalog right now?” they’ll ask.

(source Reddit)

You’ll be reminding your guests that, no, they are not in fact inside of a catalog. You made this really cool table with your own two hands! Similar pieces sell for hundreds of dollars, but this one cost a small fraction of that. Amazing what a little initiative and elbow grease can get you!

He Took A Giant Cable Spool And Turned It Into Something You'll Want In Your Home

Just like your tab at the bar in town, bringing one into your home can cost a pretty penny. That is, unless you’re this guy who decided to get creative with a wooden cable spool he found for cheap.

What most of us would just see as a huge piece of trash, he saw as an opportunity for awesomeness. You’ll agree when you see the result.

Here’s the huge spool he started with.

First things first, dismantle the whole thing.

He decided to mount plywood on the top and bottom curves.

He got to measuring…

And sliced ’em all up.

He measured and cut two-by-fours to fit the height he wanted.

And started constructing the base.

He didn’t use any two-by-fours on the ends, but later that created a problem, so they were added.

The base was secured with extra support.

Next, he used whiteboard to cover the front.

Eucalyptus board was cut to fit on top of that.

He measured stainless steel for the final cover.

It gave the bar a more industrial look.

Then it was time to stain the wood.

He was careful to leave the red logo on the right side to give it character.

After he added some shelves, he mounted it to the wall behind the bar, and it was all done!

(source Reddit)

Now he’ll never have to worry about settling that tab at the tavern! Next round’s on me, barkeep.

He Made A Wooden Box And Hid It Somewhere Remote For The Sweetest Reason

When it comes to wedding proposals, you can’t be too unique. After all, no one wants a boring, run-of-the-mill engagement.

Reddit user Shalamster knew this rule very well, and he made sure that when he proposed to his girlfriend, it would be perfectly tailored to her personality. To make the proposal perfect, he first created a handmade gift and incorporated it into a day of rock climbing — his girlfriend’s favorite activity.

Lovebirds thinking of taking the plunge into marriage: take notes from this guy.

It all started with some wood.

The wood was measured and cut.

It was then assembled into a small box.

Grooves were added for decoration.

A purple inlay was added for a colorful touch.

Then it was time to make a ring.

It took a few tries, but he was finally able to make one.

He even glued a (fake) diamond to it!

Hey, handmade beats a big rock any day.

The box was shellacked and sealed.

Adding foam made sure the ring was snug.

It gets better…

The other part of the setup was the placement of the box — way up on a high cliff.

When his girlfriend climbed up, she noticed it immediately, but didn’t know what it was.

Opening the box…


Back on more secure ground, they had a formal proposal.

She said yes!

This is how you make a memorable proposal! The best part is that you don’t have to spend big bucks to show your love, either. Something handmade is always much more meaningful.

This Thrift Store Cutting Board Became A Lovely Wall Hanging With Some Craftiness

When Reddit user smokeydaBandito was staying with relatives over the summer, they wanted to give something back. And after all, what’s a better gift than something personalized and handmade?

Using a printed image, an old cutting board from a thrift store, and some craft supplies, they were able to make a pretty wall hanging. See how they made this upcycled masterpiece, and then try to make one for yourself.

This was the cutting board. It’s seen better days, right?

First, the feet on the back of the board were removed.

The board was then sanded…

…and sanded some more.

Then, it was time to test out the stain, using one of the discarded feet.

The stain was a success!

Now for the fun part: the ink transfer.

An ink transfer uses a plain piece of paper with a design printed by an inkjet printer. It is then laid face down on the desired surface, and Mod Podge or acrylic medium is applied thickly and left to dry.

When it’s dry, the paper is rubbed off.

The design becomes visible as the paper is washed away.

When the paper is gone, the ink remains and makes a great art piece!

It was also given another coat of Mod Podge to protect the surface.

It’s time to hang it up.

The rope was stapled on, and the piece could go on a wall for display!

(source Reddit)

Ink transfers are a great way to add an artsy flair to wooden surfaces. They’re also awesome for displaying photos. Combined with the rope accents, this project certainly looks like a vintage wall hanging that I’m sure smokeydaBandito’s relatives are proud to display.

There’s a lot you can do with wood, especially recycled or reclaimed wood. Check it out: