Showing posts with label #brazil. Show all posts

Would You Tattoo Your Stomach? Wait Until You See Why These Women Did

All of us will be met with tragedy as life goes on, but few things are as tragic as domestic violence. In her time, Brazilian tattoo artist Flavia Carvalho has seen the toll that this abuse takes on women. These people are often left with physical and emotional scars.

While the emotional scars might be trickier to heal, Carvalho decided that she could help with the physical ones. About a year ago, she started a project called A Pele da Flor, or “Skin of the Flower,” which provides free tattoos to victims of domestic violence who want to cover their scars. The project also provides tattoos to women who have had mastectomies.

This woman was stabbed with broken glass by her partner, and Carvalho’s work turned the scar into something beautiful.

The artist’s goal is to provide women with the chance to reclaim these scarred parts of their bodies. In a way, she helps them take their lives back.

“It all started about two years ago, when I worked with a client who wanted to cover a large scar on her abdomen,” Carvalho told the Huffington Post. “When she turned down a man who approached her at a nightclub, he stabbed her with a switchblade. I was suddenly struck by the idea of providing free tattoos to women who were left with scars following domestic violence or mastectomies.”

By choosing a design, these women are taking control of their bodies once again.

This is a huge step on the road to recovery.

Even though Carvalho’s project is pretty new, the response has been incredible. “The feedback I have gotten from women who were helped by this project has been extremely surprising,” she says. “The sense of affection, sisterhood, and camaraderie is deeper than I ever imagined.”

Not only is Carvalho’s project encouraging the recovery of those affected by domestic violence, but it’s also calling attention to the issue, making men and women alike more aware of the problem.

(via Huffington Post)

In the future, Carvalho intends to establish a partnership with Brazil’s Women’s Police Force, which she hopes will encourage women to report instances of domestic abuse more readily so that law enforcement can bring abusers to justice. But she’s also a realist. “It is a grain of sand,” she says of her project. “The world is full of things that need to be addressed. We have a long way to go in terms of protecting women against violence.”

You can see more of Carvalho’s tattoo work on her Facebook page.

This Stray Dog Was Facing Serious Health Complications, But Watch Him Transform

When we cover stray dogs — which is often, sadly — we usually see them as starving and emaciated before they’re rescued. Most, if not all, have spent their lives scrounging for food on the unforgiving streets. In some cases, though, they have the exact opposite problem — but are just as much at risk.

This is Bolinha. This senior stray lived near a gas station in western Brazil for 13 years, and was fed table scraps by the well-meaning, but misguided townspeople.

Dogs aren’t supposed to eat people food, and as a result of not getting the proper canine diet, Bolinha’s weight ballooned until he weighed 80 pounds. A dog his size should weigh about 35.

When rescuers found him, he could barely move from all the excess weight. His joints were under massive strain and he was having trouble breathing.

The first order of business was to give Bolinha a bath — his first ever. He seemed to enjoy it!

He settled right in.

Bolinha was put on a strict exercise regimen, walking on a submerged treadmill. The water helped alleviate the pressure on his joints.

His food intake was also obviously changed. It was reduced, and all those table scraps were replaced with healthy dog chow. He also made lots of new friends!

Over time and with a lot of hard work, Bolinha shed 30 pounds! He’s moving and breathing much more easily now.

His caretakers would like him to lose 15 more pounds, putting him at his ideal weight. He’s looking good!

(via Little Things)

Bolinha is currently living with his rescuers, the Brazilian organization PamPet, which rehabilitates and provides care for mistreated animals. You can see more of their good deeds for needy animals like Bolinha on their website and Facebook page.

This Man Is The True Definition Of A Hero -- Just See What He Did For This Dog

Dog rescuer Wilson Martins Coutinho is one of the most selfless individuals on the planet. We realized this last year when he brought Francisco, a starving and abused pup, back to life with his incredible efforts.

The level of tragedy Coutinho observes in each case he takes on would break most of us down before we had the chance to make a difference. Known as “Protetor Wilson” (Protector Wilson), the Brazilian native is the closest thing we have to a real-life superhero.

Warning: the following photos are extremely graphic.

This poor thing was found barely clinging to life with severe wounds to his head.

Where others ignored his pain, Coutinho instantly jumped into action, assessing the damage.

He then used the shirt off his own back to create a makeshift bandage for the pup.

Trained in some veterinary basics, Coutinho brought the dog inside to clean what he could before taking him to a medical facility.

The doctors acted fast to help fight any infection, treating and wrapping the wounds.

The injuries were so extreme, it’s doubtful the sweet pup would have lasted much longer on his own.

Somehow, despite the abuse he suffered at the hands of humans, the pup began to slowly trust Coutinho as his wounds healed.

With the help of regular vet visits, the cutie started to look more like his true, happy self.

It’s mind-boggling how someone could look at this sweet face and treat it with such an extreme level of cruelty.

But it’s even more heartwarming to know that there are humans out there willing to go the extra mile to help save lives and give second chances.

(via Little Things)

Hopefully one day, the good will completely outweigh the bad and no dog will be forced to suffer at the hands of human ignorance and brutality.

You can find more information on Coutinho’s other rescue missions over on his Facebook page.