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The ‘Demon House’ That Was So Haunted, It Had To Be Demolished

 As a paranormal investigator, you might’ve thought that Zak Bagans likes ghosts. Not the ones at Indiana’s “demon house”, however. Bagans, the presenter of Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures, was so concerned by the goings on at this haunted house that he purchased it then tore it down.

Located in Gary, Indiana, the humble house gained national notoriety when the residents’ claims that they were being haunted were backed up by members of the police department and employees of the state’s Department of Child Services. On paper, it is one of the most qualified haunted houses of modern times.

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“Something was inside that house that had the ability to do things that I have never seen before — things that others carrying the highest forms of credibility couldn’t explain either,” Bagans told the IndyStar. “There was something there that was very dark yet highly intelligent and powerful.”

Latoya Ammons, one of the last residents of the house, was forced to seek help from the church, law enforcement and medical professionals after experiencing a spate of horrifying events. She allegedly saw family members convulsing, speaking in tongues, acting uncharacteristically violent and even levitating.

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Of a number of incidents which were corroborated by independent witnesses, one of them involved one of Ammons’ children walking backwards up a wall of a hospital room, flipping into the air and landing on his feet. According to an official Department of Child Services report, medical staff also witnessed one of the boys getting thrown into a wall “without nobody touching him.”

The family was eventually able to move to Indianapolis, at which time the incidents stopped. The demon house was pulled down in 2014 and Bagans plans to release a documentary in order to explain why he tore it down. But was it just a publicity stunt? Yes. Ghosts don’t exist. Come get me, you translucent pricks.