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In Honor Of Shedd Aquarium's Newest Addition, We Give You Adorable Baby Penguins

The famous Shedd Aquarium in Chicago just welcomed their newest, teeniest member to the family: a baby rockhopper penguin broke free from his shell earlier this month. Since then, his parents have chosen a nice little nook in the Polar Play Zone to raise their little fluff ball (with the help of aquarium staff, of course). In honor of his arrival, we give you some very sweet penguin babies!

1. Here’s the big guy in the fluff.

Just two ounces at birth, he’s pretty much all tummy.

2. Every time is sleepy time when you are a tiny penguin.

3. Everyone play nice now…

4. Even when they’re mad, they’re adorable.

5. She’s just miffed she’s got little t-rex arms.

6. “Wake up! It’s not nap time!”

7. Aw, he’s growing his big boy feathers!

8. This little one’s made a furry friend!

9. Is that…a…penguin mohawk?

10. Hip hip hooraaaay!

11. “Gotta work on my tummy tan, too!”

12. …Almost had me there.

13. Okay, now we’re back on track!

14. “C’mon, I almost had my balance!”

15. What a beautiful painting, George!

16. “Did you get the pic yet? I really have to scratch my beak.”

17. Nothing like a baby penguin in a sweater, am I right?

18. “Moooooom leave me aloooone!”

19. “No more tickles! I can’t! I can’t! I can’t breath!”

20. “We’re in it together, brah.”

These little guys are absolutely adorable, sass and all. Welcome to the world, little rockhopper, you’re in very good company!

Explore more adorable marine life right here!