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These 15 Unbelievable Facts Sound Crazy, But They're Totally True

Who doesn’t love a good factoid? As it turns out, we’re most likely to retain a fact if it is introduced with little or no context. After all, when you’re bored out of your mind at a baseball game and your friend randomly tells you that the human head weighs 11 pounds, you’re going to remember that.

After you take in these 15 completely random facts, you’ll leave here a smarter person. You can thank us later.

1. Human beings can (likely) survive 90 seconds in the vacuum of space.

No need to give this one a go for yourself. Just trust us.

2. Scientists in Mexico discovered a way to turn tequila into diamonds.

No one knows if these studies are ongoing, or if the researchers called it quits after making their millions.

3. Wasps have destroyed two planes and killed over 200 people.

Crashes in 1980 and 1996 were directly linked to wasp nests. And here you thought your fear of wasps was irrational!

4. A single tree can make up an entire forest.

The aspen trees in Fishlake National Forest, Utah, all share the same root system, making them the heaviest organism known to man. But if one falls, do they all fall? And what if no one hears it?

5. Speaking of trees, it takes 27,000 trees to supply the world with ample toilet paper.

Those trees are serving a greater purpose.

6. Roughly 24 rabbits in the Australian wild mated and produced 10 billion offspring over several decades.

They were originally released into the wild in the mid-1800s for sport, but quickly became an invasive species. That was a mistake.

7. Penguins can drink salt water.

Their supraorbital gland separates the salt from the water. If only we could do that…

8. Not swinging your arms during a walk gives you a better workout.

Keeping your arms still increases the effort it takes to walk. It has the same effect as walking 20% faster.

9. A teaspoon of matter from a neutron star weighs more than Mt. Everest.

Where can you find a spoon that can hold part of a neutron star? That’s a question for a different day.

10. A Sao Paulo prison uses geese as an alarm system.

The geese are trained to alert guards of inmate violence and breakouts.

11. If you stacked every Oreo ever produced, it would stretch to the moon and back five times over.

That sounds like a complete waste of Oreos.

12. Your brain uses 20 percent of the calories and oxygen you take in on a daily basis.

You just burned a nanocalorie by reading this. Good job!

13. Everyone has their own unique smell…except for twins.

It’s still not okay to go around smelling people, though.

14. The first thing to ever have a barcode was a pack of Wrigley’s gum.

Mr. Wrigley was also one of the first gum aficionados to add mint flavoring. Well played.

15. If you have frequent dreams, this might mean you have a higher IQ.

I bet you didn’t know that, smarty-pants.

(via Unbelievable Facts)

Now you have 15 more random facts to add to your conversation-killing arsenal. Dropping these facts may not make you the most popular, but you can now rest assured that you are the king or queen of useless knowledge.