Showing posts with label #pregnant. Show all posts

When These Kids Find Out Their Mom's Pregnant, It's An Emotional Roller Coaster

If you are the youngest child in a family, you’ve never experienced this feeling. That feeling is the roller coaster of emotions that comes along with finding out that you’re going to have a little brother or sister. Some kids take it in stride, some get excited, some get sad, and some even get angry.

But not many kids run through the whole gambit of emotions in one sitting like these little ones did!

Source: Kids reactions to mother being pregnant with twins by messickmd on Rumble

(via Rumble)

Hey, at least they’ve confronted all these feelings at once, right? I’m sure they’ll be happy when they become big brothers. Best of luck to these kiddos and their proud parents!

Maybe some precious babies will help them get into the brotherly spirit! Check them out:

This Mother Miraculously Gave Birth To A 10-Pound Baby In The Car

Moms around the world have given birth in some pretty interesting places, like in the coma ward and on the side of the road. But Lesia Pettijohn’s amazing birth takes the cake — and it might even break a few records.

The Houston-based mom and her husband Jonathan found themselves stuck in traffic when Lesia’s water broke. With nowhere to go but forward, Jonathan kept driving as his wife gave birth to a healthy, ten-pound baby boy in the passenger seat. Check it out in the video below.

Sure, they probably had to go to the hospital afterward to make sure all was well, but Mrs. Pettijohn handled the bulk of the situation on her own. And that makes her the coolest mom of all time. These two will have one epic story to tell their little one when he’s older.

For more of life’s little miracles, follow the links below: