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Showing posts with the label yoda


Yoda, 6" x 8", acrylics on museum quality panel, still life painting of a Star Wars Lucas Film hand puppet. This painting is available for $329 - inquiries may come  to me . SOLD (thank you!) I squealed when I found this doll at the STD Flea Market in Springfield, MO (no, that is not a typo, there really is an STD Flea Market in Springfield, MO). I mean, come on, who DOESN'T love Yoda? And he's a great, calming presence in the studio. So I'm shooting to have a good number of doll paintings for an exhibition this coming April. And I'm open to suggestions - when you were younger, who/what was your favorite doll or toy? Like always, in process pics are  on Facebook . Enjoy your weekend, Kim PS   Did you hear about  my painting giveaway ?