"Gordon and Susan," Toy #21, 6" x 6," acrylics on masonite. Remember these two from Sesame Street? I loved their calm, loving characters. They always brought me peace. This painting is $75, including shipping inside the US. Purchasing is as simple as asking . I'm dating myself, but I grew up with this show. As the oldest of 5, I had lots of opportunities to continue to enjoy it beyond my preschool years. And I didn't mind it a bit - the personalities, whether muppet or human, were loved like family. So when I found Gordon and Susan's characters as Fisher Price Little People figurines, I had to have them. Even though I never played with these specific toys, the memories the figures stirred up were still there. Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, All my best, Kim ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com The 100 Toys Album