"Gingko," 24"x36"x1-1/2", acrylics and graphite on cradled panel, image wrapped around edges for a beautiful contemporary look, $1899 plus s&h to the first asking nicely. I accept paypal, personal checks and payment plans. Inquiries may always come to me . Maybe it's the gingko leaves fluttering about that lend a sense of magic. Or those blue eyes. Or that luscious pink rose slowly unfurling. Or the 4 leaf clover buried in the tangle of growth. I can't stop looking at her! She's emerging from the melted, nuanced swathes of color, partially formed but fully present. This is a remarkable painting to stand in front of. When dry, I'll hang her in one of the main rooms in the house and get some photos to show sense of scale and mood. This piece is something, all right, just like her namesake. A sacred tree inspires an ethereal painting. Thanks for following along on my painting journey, Be well, Fondly, Kim