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Showing posts with the label learn to draw

30 Dogs 30 Days - Draw

Above is a little video short made while drinking my tea this morning. Sal was perched on the couch arm, and couldn't figure out if he wanted to watch me, what was going on outside, or take a nap. I quietly waited until he made a decision, then quickly began finding my edges. The whole thing took about 5 minutes (with my ipad, ipencil and procreate). Painting is 1000xs harder if you don't know how to draw. So many decisions made at the easel involve drawing - whether it be with a brush, a piece of chalk or in our heads. In order to create believable form, one has to have a solid understanding of their subject matter. And drawing - from life, every chance I get - is the best way I know to learn. Technology makes this a bit easier with a variety of apps, touch screens and tools. Or one can choose to practice the old fashioned way, with pencil and paper. It doesn't matter the approach - both ways will teach eye hand coordination and practice ...