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Showing posts with the label available art


"Alice," 24" x 48", acrylics on panel, $1499 plus s&h to the first asking nicely. Detail below. Inquiries may come   to me . (yes, I would be delighted to put together a payment plan for you - please ask!) I actually signed a painting today! Not that I haven't been painting, mind you, but only a small handful of my girls are truly finished. Even though I've been working on them since September..... Alice is an homage to Alice in Wonderland (one of my favorites!). I imagine this is what exiting the rabbit hole first looked like. And then the mist cleared......  

Divine Intervention

"Divine Intervention," a self portrait, 24" x 30", acrylics on panel. Available to the  first asking nicely , $899 (includes s&h inside the US). Thank you so much. I've been painting regular selfies for over two years and find it a great practice for examining my emotional state and working through various situations. Today's selfie was begun a few days ago and has been my obsession ever since. My original concept was set aside when I realized the painting (and my subconscious) was asking for something else. Each of the items in the painting were chosen for symbolic reasons. They tell my personal story of this year so far - it is my hope that viewers will weave their own tale from the composition. Thanks for supporting my art, Warmly, Kim   


"January," a Florus Animalum painting , 24" x 20", acrylics on panel, featuring a polar bear crowned with pink peonies and dahlias. This piece is available for purchase to the  first asking nicely , $799 (includes s&h inside the US). Thank you so much! Freezing rain, ice, sleet, puddles of standing water, all overtop an already saturated and frozen yard, gave us an indoor swimming pool in the basement today. After cleaning that mess up and discovering the (previously waterproofed) walls themselves were now oozing water despite the exterior of the house being dry, I needed to lose myself in some pretty color and a fantasy world. The forecast is for rain 4 of the next 8 days. Maybe I should just give in and turn the basement into a koi pond. My Better Half has a plan, though, that doesn't involve fish or fins of any sort. And I see a couple tweaks I want to make to January in the morning. Thanks, as always, for supporting my art, Warm...