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Showing posts with the label puppet

Kermie, Toy #25

"Kermie," Toy #25, 6" x 6," acrylics on masonite, depicting a vintage Fisher Price Kermit the Frog puppet (perched on an empty Scrumpies Hard Cider bottle, which you cannot see, but I assure you was delicious!). This painting already has a home (I don't think there's such a thing as a homeless Muppet, is there?) Meanwhile, connect with me  via email  if you are looking for something in particular. I keep doing  the Muppet flail . It's ridiculous, I know. But the kids are happy to be back in school and I'm delighted to be back at the easel during daylight hours. However I think I pulled something in my shoulder whilst flailing.  Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, All my best, Kim The 100 Toys Album