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Showing posts with the label lily

White Lilacs

"White Lilacs," 24" x 30", featuring Lily (one of The Princess's bunnies from years back), sporting a crown of ivory blooms. This painting is $599 (and, as with all my work, payment plans are an option). Inquiries may come  to me . SOLD (thank you very much!) After the wild acclaim over the first Lilac, I decided I needed to paint another variation on the same theme. They are similar, and yet uniquely original.  Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim   

Clover & Lily, In Process

IN PROCESS  "Clover & Lily," 11-1/2" x 14", acrylics on a museum quality panel, a memorial painting of our buns.  In process photos here  and  inquiries may come to me . It was a sad day when we discovered Clover had crossed the bridge while we were sleeping Monday night. She was such a sweetheart, gracing us with 6 years of kisses and great garden fertilizer.   I know she's joined Lily, who passed away last February, and is now doing binkies (hopping with wild abandon, a bunny's way of showing happiness) in the great garden in the sky. Both Clover and Lily were rescued bunnies - if you would like to help homeless rabbits, Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary is currently running a Facebook auction. You might even find something from me over there..... Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim