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Showing posts with the label black


"Listen," 12" x 16", acrylics on museum quality panel, $499 plus s&h to the first asking nicely. I accept paypal, venmo, personal checks and payment plans. Inquiries may come   to me . I have been very frustrated lately, both creatively and personally. Today I realized it was all relative to the idea of listening - or not listening, as the case my be. In the studio, I was forcing my paintings to conform to my process, and not paying attention to the simple construct of formulating a concept and responding to the work as it evolved. I wasn't LISTENING to what the piece was telling me it needed. In the real world, I was encountering so much noise that I couldn't retreat into my own head to complete a simple thought. I was LISTENING to more sources at a given time than my brain could sort out. Which also adds frustration in that the amount of noise was restricting my ability to hear, think, and respond thoughtfully. I think the answer is to allo...

Pet Portraits

Kimberly Kelly Santini   paintings with soul because our world needs more beauty   "Bailey and Charlie," 12" x 12" x 1/22", acrylics on museum quality cradeled panel, commissioned portrait and heading home soon. They no longer flood my various social media feeds, but I do still create one or two pet portraits each month. Because when all is said and done, there is nothing quite like delivering an original image that melds memories and emotions into the perfect summary of my clients' relationship with their special family members. Prices start at $399 for museum quality original paintings. I work from copyright free reference photos and your stories to create a treasured family keepsake. Turnaround is dependent upon my current workload, but averages several months (and can be much longer near the end of the year), so please plan accordingly. Inquiries may come directly   to me .

The black horse is a uniquely powerful amulet

The black horse is a uniquely powerful amulet. 24" x 20", acrylics on panel, sold (thank you!). Inquiries may come to me. I was asked to paint a black horse, and somewhere along the way I was seduced by her magic. It's not the first time she's done this - Shadow was destined for another fate altogether when her current owner bought her from a kill pen. And as often happens with rescued animals, they reciprocate by rescuing their new owners.

This Dose of Tall Dark and Handsome is Much Stronger Than Xanax, With The Added Bonus of No Nasty Side Effects

This Dose of Tall Dark and Handsome is Much Stronger Than Xanax, With The Added Bonus of No Nasty Side Effects 24" x 36" x 1", acrylics on gallery stretched canvas (with image painted around the sides), featuring a matched pair of Friesian horses, $1699 to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come  to me . Please and thank you. I got up early this morning, excited to put the finishing touches on this one. The drips/focus bleed down the canvas, from right to left, creating a mesmerizing curtain which the horses gently part.


"Proud," a Florus Animalum painting , 11" x 14", acrylics on panel. This piece is available for purchase to the  first asking nicely , $599 (includes s&h inside the US). Thank you so much. This mare is strong, unapologetic, a force to be reckoned with. The tangle of roses on her back are thorny, yet bountiful with blooms. Read into it what you will, the overall composition is one of sheer delight and glorious color, and this painting will make an exceptional focal point in your space. Yes, please share this image. Our world needs more beauty! Thanks for supporting my art, Warmly, Kim   

Bijou, Finished

FINISHED: "Bijou," 24" x 36", acrylics on panel, available for purchase to the  first asking nicely , $999 (includes s&h inside the US). Thank you so much! I'll need to sleep on it, but I do think she's done.  I'm exhausted. Three marathon painting days. But that's sometimes how paintings are birthed. Thanks, as always, for supporting my dream, Warmly, Kim   


"Minx," 24" x 30", acrylics on panel, featuring a black Thoroughbred mare with a tangled forelock of ribbon. Minx is available - what a stunning holiday gift she would make! $899 and the first asking nicely gets her! As always, inquiries may come to me . A couple weeks ago I roadtripped to Linda Shantz's home, hanging out together in her studio and in the barn. This painting is inspired by one of her layups, Quidi Vidi, and our childhood obsession with the Black Stallion . We both are convinced that Quidi Vidi is exactly what Black Minx, the Black Stallion's filly, would have looked like. Thanks, as always, for following my art, Warmly, Kim   

Stephen's Bouquet

"Stephen's Bouquet," 24" x 36", acrylics on panel, depicting a dark thoroughbred with a crown of blooms. This one is available via auction - but hold one - there's a story here - please keep reading.  Stephen is 4. He is the nephew of a good friend. Last week, Stephen was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. His family has rallied around him, making the best of things in one of the darkest of times. I was asked to create a painting that could help raise money for Stephen's medical bills. I am honored to do so. Stephen has a dark Thoroughbred and the flowers crowning the horse were chosen to tell his story and send a message of love and support to his immediate circle. Aster - patience Chamomile - energy in adversity Cranberry - cure for heartache Edelweiss - noble courage Ginger - strength Pansy - think of me Peony - anger Primrose - childhood Sage - good health and long life Snowdrop - consolation and hope "Steph...

Dixie Rose

"Dixie Rose," 24" x 48", acrylics and ink on panel, featuring an Andalusian demurely peering out from underneath her crown of peonies. Dixie is $1499 to your door (inside the US), and returning collectors receive 10% off additional purchases of original art. Inquiries may come to me . I think she's done - I reserve the right to make any changes when I return from teaching on the West side of the state. Leaving as soon as I can throw my paints in my case! Really excited to work with a new group of students. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    Shop Reproductions Here   WORKSHOPS: "Color-iffic," Montague, Michigan (near Grand Rapids), September 8-9th, 2016. For further information or to enroll, please contact  Korrine Rodgers . "Color-iffic", 2 days, Crooked Tree Art Center, Traverse City, MI, October 8-9, 2016. Click here for further information or to enroll. ...

Sweet Pea

"Sweet Pea," 16" x 20", acrylics on panel, featuring a teeny tiny baby bunny (lionhead? angora?) with the sweetest little white nose, nestled in a mass of sweet peas. This piece has less detail than the others I've been doing, and I rather like the sketchiness of it - consequently, the price reflects this as well. $599 will get Sweet Pea delivered to your door (inside the US). Inquiries may come to me. SOLD (thank you so much!) I've been working on this one since Sunday, picking her up when the larger pieces need some time to dry. Overall, I've got about a dozen different works in various stages in the studio right now. It's a wild menagerie!

Neptune, a Painting on Copper

Three views of the same painting, lit from the left, the center and the right. "Neptune," 9" x 12", acrylics on copper panel, depicting a dark bay pony. This portrait is $849, with complimentary shipping inside the US.  Let me know if you want Neptune in your home and we will make it happen! It's difficult to photograph copper so that you get a proper sense of the light and reflective quality. I'm figuring things out here, though, so that I can best show these paintings off. I am also working on getting back into the groove after a period of not feeling well and some downright ugly starts on other pieces. With Neptune I think I might be scratching and clawing my way back. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim  

Stepping Out, In Process

In process, "Stepping Out," 14" x 18", acrylics on museum quality panel, painting of a black Gypsy Vanner horse. I am trying out a couple new-to-me things with this panel, and so far I am very much in love with it, although the outer legs still need some shifting/adjusting. My intention is for this to be a color-blasted dark horse on a lovely harmonious ground - it'll be all about contrast, unexpected color and movement. If you are interested in purchasing this piece when finished, please let me know so I can send you an update and detail shots when it is finished. I don't want to jinx us by bragging that no one is home sick in bed any longer, so I won't mention it. Hope nobody is sick in your household, too. This year's flu is a nasty houseguest indeed. It sure is nice to be upright and pushing paint again! Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim  

Oliver, A Painted Sketch

"Oliver," image approximately 5-1/2" square roughly centered on a 9" x 12" bristol board, acrylics, commissioned portrait of a black French Bulldog. Oliver has a home (thank you very much!), but I do have a few remaining spots for painted sketches similar to his available - details on reserving your spot are below. Email me . Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim  

Apollo, the Sun God of Rabbits

"Apollo, The Sun God of Rabbits," 20" in diameter, acrylics on gallery stretched canvas, depicting the same black lop-eared bunny from yesterday, but this time in all his true splendor. Apollo is $1499 to the first one asking nicely, and that includes complimentary shipping inside the US. (laugh if you must at my Photoshop skills, but I couldn't figure out how to get a clean circular crop, but trust me, this is a clean circular gallery wrapped canvas with a very crisp, non-ratty edge unlike my photograph above) Again, many thanks to CC from House Rabbit Society for allowing me to paint from her photo of Luna - I am so pleased to have added this rabbit to my portfolio, not once, but twice! Tomorrow I'll get to working on the giant race horse that's currently in the studio. And maybe I'll bake something, like Starbucks chocolate cinnamon bread.  Because let's be honest, painting is always easier with chocolate. Thanks for your...


"The Black," 8" x 10", acrylics on a museum quality panel, commissioned portrait of one very beloved horse. We all know The Black Stallion , right? I grew up reading and re-reading Walter Farley's novels, and The Black was a favorite of mine. So when I was asked to paint this Black, even though he lives in a modern day barn, my heart journeyed back to my childhood. This Black became THE Black. Because that's what a little imagination can do. Prints, cell phone cases, tote bags, tshirts, shower curtains - you name it - a whole mess of goodies are available here, each one featuring The Black. Also, if you are good at procrastinating (I'm a pro), we have a little time left to gift original art - I have the toy paintings for $75 , a few intimately sized pieces under $100 , ink and paint pieces for $149 , and lots of larger works. $50 (or less) can get you a c...

PJ, an Equine Painted Sketch

"PJ," painted sketch, image roughly 6-1/2" x 5" on a 9" x 12" page, commissioned portrait of a lovely dark equine. If PJ looks familiar, that's because I painted him a couple weeks ago, and this sketch was an add-on to the project. Thusly it is sold. However, if you would like something similar, I offer a limited number of painted sketches each year, and inquiries may always come my way  - I can add you to a waiting list. Packing My Bags I know I just got back into town, but I'm hitting the road again. This time it'll be a quick trip north to Traverse City, where I will be painting for 2 days with my hero Lisa Daria Kennedy. You probably best know her for her daily paintings , but I am equally mesmerized by her larger paintings . She has a strong sense of design and uses saturated color masterfully. There's also a great economy of brushwork in her paintings, and I am eager to learn how she manages that. As...

Easter Bunny III

From last April, "Easter Bunny III", 10" x 10" (my scanner only grabbed 10" x 9", but the missing sliver is a continuation of the darker ground and whiskers), acrylics on museum quality panel depicting a sweet lop eared rabbit. This painting is yours for $539 and proceeds from this sale will benefit bunny rescue at my local no-kill animal shelter. Inquiries may come directly to me . SOLD (thank you!) The pace of the week is carrying into my weekend. We have a lacrosse game and team dinner, a friends and family drumline performance and fundraiser, winter percussion State Championships, and a 3 day dance competition that starts in 2 hours. I'd best get moving! Enjoy your weekend! Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork! Warmly, Kim


"Braids," 6" x 8", acrylics on a museum quality panel, depicting a Gypsy Vanner mare with her hair done. A couple in process photos are here , and if you want to add this one to your collection ($329) email me . SOLD This is the same mare from Baby Steps and Like Her Momma , in case you are looking for a threesome. Of paintings, that is. Thanks for following along with my artwork,  Kim

Waiting for Santa

"Waiting for Santa," 8" x 10", acrylics on museum quality panel, depicting my blue heeler mix Finnigan lounging in My Better Half's quilt draped club chair, $469. In process pics are here . And inquiries may come to me - I'd love to share a little cattle dog craziness with another household! Every year I do a holiday painting  - Mona's inspired the last three (how did THAT happen?), so Finnigan's been way more than patient for his turn on the easel. Thanks, as always, for keeping me company, Kim

Shasta Solomon

Shasta Solomon, at top, the finished portrait, below, the painting after one day's work. 12" square, acrylics on museum quality panel, depicting the fine Gypsy Vanner stallion Shasta Solomon from  Shasta H Ranch , available for $599. Inquiries may come  to me . Today's workshop started out with a bang - a demonstration painting that I am just delighted with. It's a challenge to paint and talk simultaneously. It's a bigger challenge to paint and articulately talk simultaneously. It's an even bigger challenge to paint well and articulately talk simultaneously. Then my students asked me to also sing and dance. It was all downhill from there! That's ok - tomorrow, it's payback time!! Kim