"Listen," 12" x 16", acrylics on museum quality panel, $499 plus s&h to the first asking nicely. I accept paypal, venmo, personal checks and payment plans. Inquiries may come to me . I have been very frustrated lately, both creatively and personally. Today I realized it was all relative to the idea of listening - or not listening, as the case my be. In the studio, I was forcing my paintings to conform to my process, and not paying attention to the simple construct of formulating a concept and responding to the work as it evolved. I wasn't LISTENING to what the piece was telling me it needed. In the real world, I was encountering so much noise that I couldn't retreat into my own head to complete a simple thought. I was LISTENING to more sources at a given time than my brain could sort out. Which also adds frustration in that the amount of noise was restricting my ability to hear, think, and respond thoughtfully. I think the answer is to allo...