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Showing posts with the label weimie

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

"Let Sleeping Dogs Lay," 11" x 6", acrylics on an Ampersand gessobord, this year's Valentine painting giveaway. My apologies for the bit of glare on the right side of the piece - this one needs to be cut out of the larger board I painted on, so I had to photograph it (vs scanning). This painting will shortly be headed home! In process photos are here and inquires about getting your own pet portrait come directly to me .  Last week I put out a call for photos - it was time for my annual Valentine's Day Painting Giveaway. I received 77 entries and narrowed them down to 9 wonderful finalists . Today I chose one of those 9 photos, and created the piece at left. Ultimately, this guy (or girl - I have no information on the dog's name or sex) won because he was all warm and cozy, something I totally envied given our extreme cold here in Michigan this week. I painted him while standing in front of a portable heater, swathed in layers o...

Calvin, A Painted Sketch - all for a good cause!

"Calvin, Sketch," image approximately 6" x 6" on a 9" x 12" bristol board, acrylics, featuring a sassy Weimereiner pup, private collection (THANK YOU!). In September I pledged painted sketches to fans making a $75 contribution to an ALS walk in honor of a family friend. Calvin's is the first of these portraits. I took extra special pleasure in painting him, layering marks and color and detail in appreciation of his Mom's support of a cause close to our hearts. Thanks as always for following along with my artwork, Kim