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Showing posts with the label wall art

Waiting for a Kiss

Waiting for a Kiss.  12" x 12" x 1/2", acrylics on canvas, $309. Inquiries may come to  me . Aren't fairy tales the best? They were one of my favorite things to read as a child - I loved comparing similar tales from differing cultures. I've had The Frog Prince in my head for over a week now. Finally able to get around to painting him. And I just might do it again.......

Goldie, a Lesser Goldfinch, Bolsters Her Inferiority Complex with a Jeweled Tiara

Goldie, a Lesser Goldfinch, Bolsters Her Inferiority Complex with a Jeweled Tiara A Bauble Painting , 9" x 12" x 1/2", acrylics on gallery stretched canvas, featuring a goldfinch with a teeny tiny tiara matching her self esteem. This painting is $289 (includes s&h inside the US) to the first asking nicely .   Work in an obvious series, my friend Robert coached. It'll help you figure things out clearly and in an organized fashion. Little did he know he was unleashing a painting monster......


"Pearl," 9" x 12", acrylics on panel. Available to the  first asking nicely , $249 (includes s&h inside the US). Thank you so much. I can't stop painting mices.......I may need an intervention..... Thanks for supporting my art, Warmly, Kim   WORKSHOPS:  May 17-20th, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Please contact Betty Klenke for more information.  June 21-23rd, Montague, Michigan. Please contact Korrine Rogers for more information.


FINISHED: "Fiestaware," 24" x 30" acrylics on panel, featuring a mixed bouquet tucked into a turquoise Fiestaware pitcher. This one is available to the  first asking nicely  for $899, with one contingency. I've been asked by my agent to create a few floral paintings for licensing consideration.  Which means that if she likes "Fiestaware" (or whichever of these floral pieces), I'll ship the artwork to her for a high resolution scan, after which the painting can be shipped to a new home. The scanning process should be completed by the end of March. SOLD (TY!) Thanks for supporting my art, Warmly, Kim   
"Bittersweet," 16" x 20", acrylics on panel, $199 to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may always come to me . I am slowly finding my way through the emotional mayhem following last week's election. We escaped to Chicago this weekend, where I unplugged from social media and played with my cousins' children. It was the perfect medicine. Back in the studio today, I struggled to find direction. Seemed like the perfect day to paint a turquoise dove with the remnants of my garden blooms. Continuing to work with the florals, thinking about the end of summer and a looming winter.  Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim   

Namaste, In Process

In Process" "Namaste," a self portrait from my Dryad series of paintings, 24" x 30", acrylics on panel, not for sale (this one is heading to an exhibition). However, inquiries may come to me . I think creatives are, by nature, highly sensitive. It's that ability to read body language, hear unspoken words, and be attuned to attitudes and emotions. We need this in order to translate the human experience into our medium.  However, there are times when this extra sense is not such a blessing. The election is fully testing my capacity for grace. My hormonal teenager had final exams this week. Add in a puppy who chews pretty much everything (including a computer charging cable and a disposable razor he somehow got off a very tall shelf in the bathroom?!) and a surplus of Halloween candy (lots of sugar highs. and lows). And that pretty much sums up my week. An incredible yoga practice this morning flushed my brain entirely of the bad jujus. I...

Sunday Best

"Sunday Best," an original piece from the Florus Animalum P(e)ony series, 12" x 12" x 2", acrylics on cradeled panel so no need to frame, $500 + s&h to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me . The bulk of this painting was fueled by Halloween chocolate. Just trying to be honest. Here's to a safe night for all! Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    Shop Reproductions Here

The Struggle is Real

"The Struggle is Real," 16" x 16" x 2", acrylics on panel, $999 + s&h to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me . The newest from my series of selfies , this one pretty much sums up how sickened I am by the current state of affairs inside our political scene. I'm sure you can relate, regardless of party affiliations. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    Shop Reproductions Here


"Snowshoe," from the Florus Animalum series, a companion piece to last week's "Snowdrop," 24" x 30", acrylics on panel, depicting a snowshoe hare and a crown of similarly colored florals. A commentary on global warming. And a beautiful example of white not being white. Another piece that just can't be fully appreciated on the computer screen - it will delight the lucky collector who speaks up first. "Snowshoe" is $699 plus s&h to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me . And yes, I can give preferential pricing to the collector who wants both Snowshoe and Snowdrop. Payment plans welcome. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    Shop Reproductions Here


"Celestrial," 24" x 48", from the Florus Animalum series of paintings, acrylics on panel, depicting a giraffe with a cloud of flowers - ironically, all blooming types of ground cover. This one is $1499 plus s&h. Payment plans available. Inquiries may come to me . Another adrenaline fueled painting spree - when an idea hits me, I gotta run with it. I gotta!! Speaking of which, I have a giant panel started and a wide open evening..... Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    Shop Reproductions Here


"Rhin-unculus," 48" x 48", from the Florus Animalum series of paintings, acrylics on panel, depicting a rhino momma and her baby saurus. And a mass of ranunculus. This happy family is $4599 plus s&h. Payment plans available. Inquiries may come to me . Thinking about the circle of life, endangered species, and nurturing today. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    Shop Reproductions Here


Above, detail of today's workshop demo, representing approximately an hours worth of work, mostly wet on wet, acrylics on panel, 11" x 14". There's the adage that "those who can't teach," but I take issue with that. The best teachers I've had CAN and DO, and they articulate that, no matter how many times I (or my classmates) re-phrase the same question. I'd like to think I'm working my way towards that category of Teachers Who Can. That some day, one of my students will be able to say that my techniques/approaches impacted them in a powerful way that didn't include therapy. Meanwhile, I'm refining my teaching skills with an especially delightful group of painters on the western coast of Michigan. They are willing to try all sorts of things with their brushes during the day, and then in the evening, I retire to a Lake Michigan facing porch, sip my wine while listening to the tide, and forget about their tears. And ...

Dixie Rose

"Dixie Rose," 24" x 48", acrylics and ink on panel, featuring an Andalusian demurely peering out from underneath her crown of peonies. Dixie is $1499 to your door (inside the US), and returning collectors receive 10% off additional purchases of original art. Inquiries may come to me . I think she's done - I reserve the right to make any changes when I return from teaching on the West side of the state. Leaving as soon as I can throw my paints in my case! Really excited to work with a new group of students. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    Shop Reproductions Here   WORKSHOPS: "Color-iffic," Montague, Michigan (near Grand Rapids), September 8-9th, 2016. For further information or to enroll, please contact  Korrine Rodgers . "Color-iffic", 2 days, Crooked Tree Art Center, Traverse City, MI, October 8-9, 2016. Click here for further information or to enroll. ...

Black Rose

FINISHED! "Black Rose," 24" x 48", acrylics, charcoal and ink on panel, featuring a Friesian galloping with a crown of various roses. She's $1499 to your door (inside the US), and returning collectors receive 10% off additional purchases of original art. Inquiries may come to me . I am exhausted - this painting has been on my easel all week, and constantly getting revised/painted in my head when I'm not in front of it. I'm onto something, though. This is a breakthrough piece - it's opened many doors. And windows. My head is exploding with the potential! Meanwhile, detail here . Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    Shop Reproductions Here   WORKSHOPS: "Color-iffic," Montague, Michigan (near Grand Rapids), September 8-9th, 2016. For further information or to enroll, please contact  Korrine Rodgers . "Color-iffic", 2 days, Crooked Tree Art Center, T...


"Trouble," 24" x 20", acrylics, charcoal and ink on panel, featuring a a kitten crowned with spray roses, $599, with complimentary shipping inside the US. Inquiries may always come  to me . Some paintings exceed my expectations. This one takes my breath away. Whomever purchases him will get quite a treasure! Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    WORKSHOPS: "Color-iffic," Montague, Michigan (near Grand Rapids), September 8-9th, 2016. For further information or to enroll, please contact  Korrine Rodgers . "Color-iffic", 2 days, Crooked Tree Art Center, Traverse City, MI, October 8-9, 2016. Click here for further information or to enroll.

Trouble, in process

IN PROCESS: "Trouble," 24" x 20", acrylics, charcoal and ink on panel, featuring a a kitten crowned with spray roses. On top of just being ridiculously juicy with color, this piece comes with a healthy does of personality. The painting is $599, with complimentary shipping inside the US, and will go to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may always come  to me . Warm thanks to Beth at Amazing Petals for helping me put together the perfect bouquet for this painting (and she thought brides were high maintenance!). The yellow pods (I forget what they are called) and the stabby greenery (knife something or other) were delightful to paint. And the soft greens in the spray roses..... they make me very happy. I know this painting will do the same for a lucky collector, too. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    WORKSHOPS: "Color-iffic," Montague, Michigan (near Grand Rapids), September 8-9th, ...


"Purity," 24" x 30", acrylics, charcoal and ink on panel, featuring a unicorn crowned with white roses. Because I believe, and you should too. This painting is $699 and will go to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may always come  to me . Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    WORKSHOPS: "Color-iffic," Montague, Michigan (near Grand Rapids), September 8-9th, 2016. For further information or to enroll, please contact  Korrine Rodgers . "Getting Fresh," Mt. Pleasant, SC, September 23-25th, 2016. For further information or to enroll, please contact Kathy Sweeney . "Color-iffic", 2 days, Crooked Tree Art Center, Traverse City, MI, October 8-9, 2016. Click here for further information or to enroll.

Rhin-unculus, in process

IN PROCESS: "Rhin-unculus," 48" x 48", acrylics, charcoal and ink on panel, featuring a Momma rhino and her baby saurus. Yes, this piece is available when finished, and yes, I will accept a deposit to hold it until then. The painting, a wonderfully generous 48" square, is $4599. Inquiries may always come  to me . I see so many things to fix/adjust here, but I am forcing myself to stop and do real world stuff like laundry and running the homebound dance carpool. Because apparently the laundry has sprouted legs and is moving about the house (I suspect that the puppy has something to do with that!), and The Princess doesn't have her license (yet!). Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    WORKSHOPS: "Color-iffic," Montague, Michigan (near Grand Rapids), September 8-9th, 2016. For further information or to enroll, please contact  Korrine Rodgers . "Getting Fresh," Mt. Pleas...

Salvador Doggie

"Salvador Doggie (Sal)," 24" x 48", acrylics, charcoal and ink on panel, featuring my newest muse, a rescued mixed breed. Details and in process pics are on Facebook , and I think the color there is far more representative of the painting. This piece is $1499, a total deal for the giant serving of joy it will bring, and that price includes shipping inside the US (I also ship worldwide for a small fee) - inquiries may always come  to me . Sal joined our family over the weekend. He came via a rescue organization and we know nothing about his past except that whoever it was who dumped him lost out big. He's a dear rat terrier mix with the brightest eyes and a wiggle butt who goes from 100mph to stop at the sign of a lap. Or a cookie. Didn't take him long to hit my easel, and I think his portrait sits as a great example of what I could do with your dog..... just think about it, then reach out if it's something you think you want to pursue! T...

Mary's Little Lamb

"Mary's Little Lamb," 24" x 20", acrylics, charcoal and ink on panel, featuring a lamb sporting a bouquet of flowers. This piece is $599, and will arrive wrapped in love and compassion. The price includes complimentary shipping inside the US (I also ship worldwide for a small fee) - inquiries may always come  to me . Similar to the painting I did in homage for those killed in Nice, France titled " Camargue Peace ," the flowers here have particular meaning and were chosen specifically to honor those touched by the recent bloodshed in Rouen, France . I can't change the ugliness in the world, but I can counter it with beauty and love. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim    WORKSHOPS: "Color-iffic," Montague, Michigan (near Grand Rapids), September 8-9th, 2016. For further information or to enroll, please contact  Korrine Rodgers . "Getting Fresh," Mt. Pleasa...