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Showing posts with the label headpiece

Bijou, Finished

FINISHED: "Bijou," 24" x 36", acrylics on panel, available for purchase to the  first asking nicely , $999 (includes s&h inside the US). Thank you so much! I'll need to sleep on it, but I do think she's done.  I'm exhausted. Three marathon painting days. But that's sometimes how paintings are birthed. Thanks, as always, for supporting my dream, Warmly, Kim   

Bijou, in process

IN PROCESS: "Bijou," 24" x 36", acrylics on gallery wrapped panel, available for purchase to the  first asking nicely , $1299 (includes s&h inside the US). Thank you so much! Take a wilted armful of spray roses from the clearance bin, add a box of vintage crystal drops, throw in a couple thrift store pieces of costume jewelry, and you have my inspiration.  I'm working fast, because the roses are starting to tire. Sometimes speed painting turns out better because I'm not second guessing or overthinking everything. Can you feel the magic already? Thanks, as always, for supporting my dream, Warmly, Kim