Elizabeth St Hilaire Nelson and yours truly at the MVP Metro Club in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in front of part of our ArtPrize 2012 installation. Elizabeth flew in (from FL) on Monday, and the Santini's welcomed her with a great honking of snotty noses and a generous sized bottle of antibacterial hand wash. There was literally no turning back!! Tuesday morning (yesterday) she and I headed to Grand Rapids (that is, after running a lunch to the busstop at the nth hour and delivering a forgotten flute to a school office). It was time to hang our ArtPrize works. And hang them we did, filling the lobby of the MVP Metro Club with color and life. You can see a complete photo montage on the studio Facebook page , including a link to Elizabeth's photo album. If you find yourself hitting ArtPrize , please stop by and allow yourself to be wowed by our work (and the work of the other 1,698...