This is my booth from last Saturday’s Dog Days Event. It’s a far cry from the borrowed easels and ratty lawn chair I set up 4 years ago when participating for the first time! And I still see room for improvement, but this year at least my family room drapes were spared, as I had the tent walls! Each time I do an event like this, I learn something new. Like not to hang paintings below dog-hip-level unless I want another signature added. Pack hand sanitizer to deal with the drool and other unmentionables. Keep the spare dog biscuits sealed in a bin underneath the table – don’t just leave the box tucked beneath the cloth. Otherwise some prankster will make off with the whole mess of them. Get contact information for everyone who’s dog I photograph. This means shooting photos single handedly while holding a notebook in the other hand and writing with a pencil gripped in my teeth. What was this year’s lesson? That the clever seeming duct tape hanging system (dog-a-day panels duct taped to t...