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Showing posts with the label monoprint

January, an embellished monoprint

  January, 9"x12" original embellished monoprint on Fabriano watercolor paper, Available at a future date.   Please reach out  with any questions. inquire about January This last year I have tried to draw every day. Something shifted in November because I began drawing even more earnestly. I stopped thinking of the practice as warmup exercises for my easel time and started fervently exploring complex ideas and processes, allowing the drawings to become something important.  Along the way I discovered how to pull a single print off my drawings. This process is called "monoprinting." January is two monoprints layered, overtop each other (ie printed on the same page). The process of monoprinting, like any other printing process, requires precision. It can also be rather unpredictable. Unlike other printing methods, monoprints create a singular original (hence the "mono" prefix). January is called an embellished monoprint because i have added other, non printe...