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Showing posts with the label artwork

Weeping Roses

  Weeping Roses view her on my website Weeping Roses, original acrylic on flat panel, 18”x24”, $1000 plus s&h. I welcome your questions (yes, I offer payment plans - details below). Just  reach out . There is the hardest working little rose bush in my garden. She is scrawny but boy is she extra. The little faces of her blooms cluster together in profusion, all kissed with sunshine and whispering together with delight. They always make me smile. Spending time in the garden is such a mood enhancer.  I sure could use some dirt under my nails and a barefoot walk through the grass about now. But I heard the groundhog saw his shadow, so I’ll have to wait a bit. You can get a good look at Weeping Roses over  on my website . You’ll find links there to zoom in close to her surface or view in a room setting. Purchasing can’t get any easier - add her to your cart and boom, she’s all yours! Let me know  if you would like a payment plan (30% non refundable deposit with t...

Goldfinch, Goldfish

  Goldfinch, Goldfish make her yours Goldfinch, Goldfish, original acrylic on a deeply cradled panel, image painted around the sides makes framing optional, 30”x30”x2-1/2”, $2100 plus s&h. Link to purchase is below. Questions can always come  to me , or just reach out to share some love. I snuck off on vacation last week and found myself mostly unplugged, in a tropical setting, with absolutely no agenda. I allowed my head and my feet to wander, and soaked up all sorts of new textures and experiences to bring home. Goldfinch, Goldfish is the first piece since my return. She started as a drawing experiment overtop an older painting. Something about that first pass with the graphite hooked me, and I continued onward, working intuitively, repeatedly drawing, painting overtop, and then redrawing the birds. Create-destroy-rebuild is a key part of my process - it builds complex problems for me to solve at the easel while mirroring the insanity of the world at large. Essentially i...

Speciman I, a new drawing

  Speciman I, 6-1/2"x9", mixed media on Fabriano paper, collection of the artist. please tell me more about Speciman The onset of a new year is when I love to burrow in with books, blankets and new ideas. The fireplace beckons and the dogs circle, waiting to snuggle in alongside. This year there's been lots of great reads (I am really enjoying my new Kindle) and reflecting (I've filled 2 notebooks already!). This always results in a good amount of new ideas bouncing around. And oddly enough, they have to do with ink and paper. My daily drawing habit has hooked me in - drawing as a warm up for the easel leaves me hungry for more. I found myself lingering at the drawing table longer each day. So I decided to indulge my muse and let her play at the drawing table. This is ok - part of the ebb and flow of being creative. It's an important reminder that not everything I make has to be for sale. When I reflect 2023, I spent too much time focused on deadlines and lost tou...


  Gaia, acrylic on cradled wood panel, 30"x24", 1-1/2" profile, no need to frame, $1500 plus s&h to   the first asking nicely . Questions can always come  to me. Greek mythology tells us Gaia birthed the sky   Can you imagine bringing something as vast and untouched as the sky to life and then spreading your wings to embrace it? This is the first of my corvid paintings to hit the market.**  Gaia features an ancient and wise crow as bridge between land and sky, with an earth-like marble at her feet. You can see Gaia in greater detail  here  and even make her your own.  Thanks so much for your interest in my artwork, All my best, warmly, Kim ** Nevermore , 30"x40"x2", and Offering (not yet photographed), 21"x 25"x3-1/2", complete with a custom built shelf for her trinkets, are both pending juried exhibition results. Once I learn of their status, I will offer them to collectors accordingly.


  "Millie," 6" x 8" x 1", acrylics in cradled panel, image wrapped around the side for a clean and contemporary look, $269 plus s&h to the first asking nicely. Please note that the watermark is not on the original painting. Returning collectors always receive 10% off. I accept Paypal, personal checks and payment plans.   Please message me.   Here's another little chicklet for you. They are so much fun to paint! Thanks for following along on my painting journey. Be well, Fondly, Kim

STUDIO NEWS March 2020

Detail from my easel of a current, untitled, painting in process, 16" x 20", acrylics on gallery wrapped canvas. Please message me if you would like first dibs on this piece when completed. Studio News, March 2020 In an effort to counteract the dark clouds gathering on the horizon, I spent a good amount of last month in reflection. This means lots of journal pages, both painted and written, as I sorted through my feelings with color and marks. It meant a lot of reading, returning to studies with a couple of my favorite artists, and getting lost in my thoughts while doing the most mundane things. Artists are tasked with telling their story of living, through their own eyes. We choose our tools and our voice, and by using those things, we strive to make work that resonates and aligns with what we know in our hearts to be true. So that's what I've been seeking as I see a growing divide in our world - I've been searching for a way to ...

NOW AVAILABLE A Dozen Kiki Kelly Paintings

For the first time ever, 12 original mixed media paintings by Kiki Kelly** available for purchase. TOP ROW, FROM LEFT  Applause, Bloom I, Constellations SECOND ROW, FROM LEFT General Admission Spring*, In Like a Lion, Petunias THIRD ROW, FROM LEFT Ranunculas*, Sea Serpent, Sea Urchins FOURTH ROW, FROM LEFT Snow Flowers, Valentine, Vivaldi Mixed media (collage, water color, acrylic paints, various pens, inks) on paper, archivaly corner mounted on foamcore and cello wrapped. All pieces excepting * are 11" x 14" and $200 ea, paintings with * are 16" x 20" and $300 each. S&H extra. I accept paypal, venmo, personal checks and payment plans. Inquiries may come   to me .   I'm currently taking an online class called   Symbolotry . The class is focused on finding a deeper understanding of the role symbols have in our lives, and then consciously using this knowledge to build a personally meaningful dictionary of symbolic marks in our ar...

NEW PAINTING Daydream 15 (Daisy)

"Daydream 15 (Daisy)," 12' x 12" x 3/4", acrylics on cradeled birch panel, $449 plus s& h to the first asking nicely. ** Inquiries may always come   to me . Someone said these recent Daydream paintings were spiritual. That's a five star compliment. Thanks so very much for following along on my art journey, Warmly, Kim **Daydream 15 had been entered in a juried exhibition, which means, should she make the cut, her dance card is full until the exhibition closes on October 5th, 2019. I can ship her off shortly afterwards. If she doesn't make it in, she's available for shipment after August 27th, 2019. Any questions may always come   to me .

Why I rework a perfectly good painting

"Your Tears Have Been Worthwhile (Medicine Hat #8)," 20" x 30", acrylics on gallery stretched canvas, image painted around the sides so there is no need to frame. $1299 plus s&h to the first one asking nicely. Inquire directly   to me   - I take personal checks, paypal, venmo and will arrange payment plans. I shared   this painting   last week, thinking she was finished. But it was later pointed out** that the painting could be improved - my story wasn't as clear as it could have been. You see the gesture of this horse, which was paramount to me, materializing as she approached the viewer, was not strong enough. Nor was her connection with the flowers explained - that they have taken root and are pulling sustenance from her existence, even if it is imagined. So I dug back into the piece and made some changes - subtle, yet I feel, critical ones that make the painting all the stronger. At times I'm able to see a painting's shortcomings on my ...

The Truth (Finished)

FINISHED! "The Truth," an Echo painting, 24" x 30", acrylics on panel. $899 plus s&h when finished. Reach out to   me   if you are interested. I accept personal checks, paypal, venmo and payment plans. I got a full day in the studio, complete with loud music and very few interruptions, which is how I prefer to work (but that doesn't mean I always get what I want). And magic happened. I started laying marks down, and the painting pretty much told me what to do. The thing I'm most pleased with is her eye - it is SO alive and SO calm - and the little reflective bits of truth that glimmer about her profile ( best seen here, in a detail shot) . Here's a video short outlining the painting's progress . Thanks for following along with my art journey, Kim

Cows Cows and Cows

I've been working on cow paintings this last week. The ones above have just returned from their travels to New York.  Clockwise from left:  Dude, 9x12, $469, Girlie, 10x10, $499, and One+One, 8x8, $399. S&H additional, each painting is an original acrylic on museum quality panel. I will combine shipping on multiple purchases. I accept personal checks, paypal and payment plans. Inquiries may come  to me . There's a couple newer ones on my Facebook page - 16x20 canvases - up for grabs. Alfalfa and Bangs.   Reach out to me   if you are interested in either - they are specially priced at $599 each. Thanks, as always, for supporting my art, Kim   


Kimberly Kelly Santini   paintings with soul because our world needs more beauty   "Oval Chick," 9" x 12", acrylics on gallery stretched canvas, oval, with painted sdes (so no need to frame). Because I am SO HAPPY we have sunshine today and the snow is melted (I might have just cursed us, so sorry Michigan) I'm going to let her go for $150 to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come   to me . Share Tweet Forward

Pink Peony

Pink P(e)ony, a  Florus Animalum painting 24" x 48", acrylics on panel featuring a white pony crowned with a luscious bouquet of blooms. She is $1499 to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come  to me . Please and thank you. I started this one last August, and forget why she got set aside. Today I practiced all the things I've learned in the past 8 months. Lots of drips, bursts of color, delightful drawn edges. Happy Sigh.

Pip Squeak

"Pip Squeak," from The Bauble paintings, 9" x 12" x 1/2", acrylics on gallery stretched linen (painted around the sides, so she can hang directly without framing if you choose). Available to the  first asking nicely , $289 (includes s&h inside the US). Thank you so much. Seriously, peeps, how can you NOT fall in love with this one?!  Thanks for supporting my art, Warmly, Kim   WORKSHOPS:  May 17-20th, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Please contact Betty Klenke for more information.  June 21-23rd, Montague, Michigan. Please contact Korrine Rogers for more information.