"Pup-illion," 8" x 10", Golden Open acrylics on Ampersand Gessobord, portrait of a young Papillion. This painting will go to the first one asking nicely - just $469 plus shipping and handling. Inquiries (including booking your own pet portrait, from miniature size to larger than life) may always come to me . I cannot send huge enough thanks to Brenda and Chris Lynch for the most fab weekend ever (the unveiling of the "Rusty" Muttitage wine bearing my label design at their Dog Days event ). But what I can do is recommend you buy their wine, in copious quantities. They are amazing people, their wine is fabulous, and with your purchase you'll be supporting a company that does everything it can to foster and support animal welfare. Doesn't get much better than that. So check their goods out here and tell them I sent you. Please and thank you. And if you want to see pics from the weekend, they are on the studio Facebook page. There are a couple of...