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Showing posts with the label posca paint markers

Happy Valentines

"Find Grace" (above) and "Just Breathe" (below), both 14" x 17", acrylics on bristol board, both in private collections. I call these mantra paintings - I start with a simple text, scrawled in giant letters on the page, and then I begin to layer marks and doodles overtop until I can pick out shapes and forms. This process is a visual meditation exercise that keeps me centered (I also do mantra paintings with not-so-nice text underneath - it's all about working through one's emotions). Valentines Day is a time to celebrate every facet of love. Which means I get to celebrate all of you.  I love your connection with my artwork and creative endeavors.  I love your commitment to your families - including 4-legged members. I love your huge hearts and all the compassionate causes they support. I love that I get to share my studio days with each of you, going on nearly 10 years now. I love that so very many o...

Selfie 1-1-2016

"Selfie 1-1-16," 19" x 24", acrylics on bristol board, not for sale. NOTE:  When I first shared this on Facebook, I got flack because I wasn't smiling/people thought it wasn't flattering. But Glamour Shots wasn't my goal. Yes, I look tired here, and that's because I am. Holidays are emotionally and physically exhausting and I'm owning that outright. In my jammies, with wild hair and my favorite warm scarf. So there. I spent yesterday making a killer ginormous breakfast for my family. Then we all enjoyed quiet time with our own goals and wishes for this coming year. (Someone also chose to binge on Netflix but I'm not judging) For me it was both personal and professional - it's important (to me) to understand the difference, although they both inform each other. Part of that involved meditation and a review of my numerous journals, where I discovered a predominance of self portraits. I thought, "Self, what are you tryi...