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Rag Dolls, In Process

In Process detail of "Rag Dolls," 8" x 16," acrylics on museum quality panel, depicting two vintage handmade rag dolls, including one rather sorry looking Raggedy Anne. Inquiries may come to me. Was reading Richard Schmid's "Alla Prima II" over the weekend, and came across a tenderly rendered painting of a doll. He acknowledged that dolls can be spooky, but also said that they are a reflection of who we are.  I was greatly reassured to read his words and know that even a great master like himself also plays with dolls in his studio. More pics of these two ladies, including my still life setup, on Facebook . Thanks as always for following along with my artwork, Kim PS Thank you JW for your handmade doll - she's been sitting here in the studio all these years, and today was delighted to be chosen for her own special painting!