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Showing posts with the label canine painting

November Desktop Calendar

Get the Calendar Here You can download the file directly from my website . I've set up a couple different ways to do this, either via the photo album or a direct link. I am not an expert on operating systems, so if you don't know how to change your desktop wallpaper, please don't email me - I will indubitably steer you wrong. Your computer's help files will be more concise, more knowledgeable and more responsive than I could ever hope to be.    I've sized this to fit a standard screen height of 768 - I realize there are lots of variables that could impact how the file displays on your screen. Let me know if, once you get the file installed, there are display quality issues (keep in mind, too, that options such as "stretching to fit," "tiling" and "cropping" will impact your display, so check those first!). Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, Kim

Bodhi, a dog portrait on copper, by Kimberly Kelly Santini

"Bodhi," 12" x 9", acrylics on copper panel, depicting the perfect gentleman in repose, $849. Paintings on copper are exquisitely different when seen in person, and Bodhi's is no exception. Exposed bits of the surface are an active part of the composition, changing in value and offering reflective luminescence as the light moves across the painting. In this case, the majority of the exposed copper is around Bodhi's face, giving his princely expression a little more pizazz. I wish you could see it in person!  All inquiries may  come to me . Bam. Badda Boom. Badda Boom. Signed this puppy (can't quite believe it came off my brushes!), and now I'm off to a friend's exhibition opening. Bring on the weekend! Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, Warmly, Kim  


"Webster," 6" x 8", acrylics on museum quality panel, a commissioned portrait of a Yellow Lab. Webster's portrait has a home, thank you very much to my returning collectors. If you are thinking about a pet portrait as a holiday gift, now is the time to start a conversation. The process takes several weeks, and this is my busiest time of year - once I'm booked, I'm booked! I also do gift certificates if you would rather gift the whole commission experience and spare yourself sneaking around getting photos (or if I happen to be booked and cannot guarantee holiday delivery). But that's not going to happen if we  talk now  and get things started. It was homecoming weekend in Lake Orion. Or Hoco if you're young and hip. The Princesses first and The Caped Crusader's last. I spent lots of time with them and their friends, and very little time in the studio. One of those rare studio-free weekends, because soon the hol...

Poppy Puppy

"Poppy Puppy," 12" x 16", dog portrait of a delightful little Frenchie. Poppy is acrylics on museum quality panel (and he has a lovely home, thank you so very much!). All inquiries may  come to me . Poppy will be traveling with me to Louisiana this weekend. I will lead a fearless group of painters on a 4 day color adventure in Baton Rouge, and then on Friday the show will get moved to New Orleans, where I will paint and mingle with visitors to AKA Stella Gray . And get to meet the inspiration behind the painting, as Poppy is the head honcho at the gallery. Stop by and visit, either in person or on my Facebook page . I'll be posting updates all week long. And if you want to paint with me, my last class of the year is a crash course in color, and it will be in Ann Arbor October 22-23 . Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, Warmly, Kim  

Waiting for Eloise

"Waiting for Eloise," 11" x 14", commissioned pet portrait done specifically for a nursery and depicting a Norwich Terrier, acrylics on museum quality panel (sold, thank you so very much!). In process pics are here  All inquiries may  come to me . While one of my besties welcomed a sweet baby granddaughter this week, I found myself working on a nursery commission for a new collector expecting their first. And it got me reminiscing about The Man Child's nursery. He had the best room, with an A-frame ceiling and exposed beams and a full wall mural with a larger than lifesized Pooh and Christopher Robin. You know, the timeless image of them hanging on the bridge ? Yeah, I was inspired by that. And there was a generously sized antique rocker that housed us both through many a midnight feeding and lots of wonderful stories. Gulp. Nearly 21 years ago. My wish is the same for Baby Eloise. With the exception that I hope t...

Ball Hog (Harley)

"Ball Hog (Harley)," 9" x 12," acrylics on a museum quality panel, depicting a very lucky mixed breed dog. This painting has a home, but I could possibly create something similar starring your dog, so  please inquire .  A Surprise A's family had been hounding her for a dog for a very, very long time. And I bet you can tell already where this story is going - she resisted, also for a very, very long time. And then this Momma dog was rescued - she had a litter of brand new pups under a mattress in Detroit, during one of the coldest winters we've known. And this Momma dog and her puppies ended up in foster care with one of A's friends. You know where this is going right? It goes without saying - one of the puppies won over A's heart, and that of her family, too. Meet Harley. A lucky girl to have had her life turned around from an unlikely and frozen beginning. She spent last week vacationing with A's fami...

December Desktop Calendar

Excuse me? for real? it's December?  To implement this month's desktop calendar, download the file  directly from my website . I've set up a couple different ways to do this, either via the photo album or a direct link. I am by no means an expert on the variety of operating systems, so I highly recommend that if you don't know how to change your desktop wallpaper, don't email me for advice. Instead consult your computer's help files - they will be more concise, more knowledgeable and more responsive than I could ever hope to be.  I've sized this to fit a standard screen height of 768 - I realize there are lots of variables that could impact how the file displays on your screen. Let me know if, once you get the file installed, there are display quality issues (keep in mind, too, that options such as "stretching to fit," "tiling" and "cropping" will impact your display, so check those first!)....

Ta-Da!! Rory, Finished!!

"Rory," 12" x 16," commissioned portrait of a Black Labradoodle with The Best Eyebrows Ever, acrylics on a museum quality panel. Plenty of in process photos are here, including closeups of his eye and nose along with a shot of my palette. Rory has a home, but there's plenty of other paintings in my head (and studio) that do not - inquiries may come to me . Although this photo is a little flat and gray because I had to shoot it under artificial lighting, my boss is somewhat happier about my productivity today. Let's see what my client has to say, though - I'm awaiting final approval. And permission to punch out and head home.  Thanks for following along, Kim


    Patience, 12" x 12", depicting a beautiful tri-colored spaniel, done in acrylics on a museum quality panel. Patience is the  #PaintMeSantiniOctober  winning portrait, and SM is gleefully adding this painting to her collection. Reproductions can be ordered  here , and inquiries about getting a portrait done of YOUR dog may always come  to me .     It was a tough call,  narrowing down the #PaintMeSantiniOctober contest candidates to a handful , and then choosing from among them. Thank you so much to everyone who played along and so generously fed my muse - I do see more paintings in the works here!!   But this piece is our winning portrait - chosen because of the timeless mood/pose, the fabulous play of pattern against quiet negative space, and the riot of color in his face.   Thanks as always for following along with my artwork, Kim

Seventh Inning Stretch

"Seventh Inning Stretch," 9" x 12", portrait of a Golden Retriever, acrylics on museum quality panel, available for $549. LOTS of in process pics are on  Facebook . And as always, inquiries may come  to me . SOLD I think the summer of 2013 should be marked with lots of dog and ball paintings. Who wants to  send me pics ? ** Happy First Day of Summer! I'm off for a beer in the back yard, Kim **By sending photos, you are granting me permission to create derivative artwork of said photos and are guaranteeing that this permission is yours to grant. You have no obligation to purchase resulting painting(s), but will have right of first refusal. 

Taking Flight

    "Taking Flight," 8" x 10", portrait of a tri-colored Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, done in acrylics on museum quality panel, $469.  Email me for purchase details .   Remember " Pile ," the painting I was commissioned to do that was then donated to a Cavalier King Charles fundraiser? (It raised them a very nice chunk of change, by the way!) Well, my client sent me many wonderful inspiration photos and I'm slowly working through my favorites. This breed is truly a joy to paint.   In process pics of this guy are  on Facebook .   And after starting this one, I realized he looks a lot like another piece  I did nearly 5 years ago to this date starring my friend  Dee Dee Murray 's dog Hallie. How weird is that?   (As an aside,  Hallie is now an artist in her own right )   Enjoy your evening, Kim  


    "Mazey," 12" x 16", a commissioned portrait, depicting a cherished family member. In process pics of Mazey's portrait are on  the studio Facebook page .   I am devastated by the news coming from Connecticut today. My heart goes out to all those touched by this senseless tragedy.   Doing my best to hold onto a holiday frame-of-mind, Kim, who's hugging her kids when they come in the door  

Greta II

    "Greta II," 8" square, companion piece to  Greta I  (painted yesterday), commissioned portrait of a mixed breed dog, acrylics on a museum quality panel, private collection (THANK YOU!). In-process photos of both Gretas are available on  the studio Facebook page .   Fondly, Kim, who loves to work in series' like the Greta's, and is looking formore water dog muses - feel free to email me your pics    

Yoshi, A Painted Sketch

  "Yoshi," a painted sketch, roughly 4" x 5" on a 9" x 12" sheet of bristol board, done in acrylics, blood, sweat and tears. This piece is in a private collection - thank you very much!   Fabulous date last nite with My Better Half and the Amazing Amanda Palmer. And tonite we have another date, this time with the Lake Orion High School Drumline Parent Corps (in other words, the parent volunteers).   Tomorrow I'm filming an interview at a local cable channel and delivering a couple paintings for an in-home audition before leading my wonderful group of grownUP Journallers in our last gathering of the year.   Wild and crazy stuff happening around these parts!!   Fondly, Kim, who is nearly finished with the book Gone Girl and isn't quite sure how to follow it up  

Hardley A. Hadley

  "Hardley A. Hadley!!" 6" square, acrylic on museum quality panel, depicting a dapper and delightful Pomeranian. This painting is a commissioned portrait and will be headed to his new home shortly (and is ALSO a gift, so shush please!!) - however,  let me know  if you want one for yourself!!   It's been an exhausting - but fun - week. Between daily 8 hour Marching Band practices that required dinner deliveries, daily football practices and 3 games (with the varsity team playing tomorrow on the Detroit Lions home field), and choreography week for the dance team (also complete with meal deliveries), I've enjoyed total immersion in each of my kids' activites.   And now we are headed into a long weekend that will be packed with family time and, despite complaints, earlier, back-to-school preparatory curfews.   How can the summer be over with? Didn't we just start this?   Kim, who's not really counting, but noticed ...