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Showing posts with the label colorful

Squeaker, in process

IN PROCESS, ABOVE the full painting, BELOW, a detail: "Squeaker," 48" x 48" x 3/4", acrylics on cradeled panel (with image painted to wrap around the sides, so no need to frame), featuring a mouse on steroids (Squeaker is 24" tall!!!) with an explosion of blooms. Squeaker is available and may be purchased or placed on layaway prior to the piece's completion. He is $8999, which includes shipping and handling inside the US. Inquiries may always come  to me . I started this one late Thursday evening, and have been painting away ever since. The flowers became therapy once I heard of the Orlando tragedy. Senseless and tragic and my heart hurts for what our world has become. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim   


(please excuse the glare - this one is tough to photograph because of it's size and the gloomy day) IN PROCESS: "P(e)ony," 48" x 48" (yes, this little pony is larger than life!), acrylics on panel, featuring a lavender pony sprouting a tangle of pink peonies. This one can be yours for $8999, including complimentary shipping inside the US (also, as with all my work, payment plans are an option). And yes, if you love her now, you can pre-purchase - inquiries may come  to me . So my peonies aren't blooming yet, but my neighbor's are. I texted her one evening at dusk - "will you call the police if I come over in my jammies and steal some of your flowers?" Thankfully she said no, and told me to cut as many as I needed. I have the best friends!! (and the studio smells so lovely!) Also, one rainy afternoon last week I may have been spotted picking wildflowers from a roadside ditch. Anything for art, right?! Thanks for following along w...

Stepping Out, In Process

In process, "Stepping Out," 14" x 18", acrylics on museum quality panel, painting of a black Gypsy Vanner horse. I am trying out a couple new-to-me things with this panel, and so far I am very much in love with it, although the outer legs still need some shifting/adjusting. My intention is for this to be a color-blasted dark horse on a lovely harmonious ground - it'll be all about contrast, unexpected color and movement. If you are interested in purchasing this piece when finished, please let me know so I can send you an update and detail shots when it is finished. I don't want to jinx us by bragging that no one is home sick in bed any longer, so I won't mention it. Hope nobody is sick in your household, too. This year's flu is a nasty houseguest indeed. It sure is nice to be upright and pushing paint again! Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim  

Happy Valentines

"Find Grace" (above) and "Just Breathe" (below), both 14" x 17", acrylics on bristol board, both in private collections. I call these mantra paintings - I start with a simple text, scrawled in giant letters on the page, and then I begin to layer marks and doodles overtop until I can pick out shapes and forms. This process is a visual meditation exercise that keeps me centered (I also do mantra paintings with not-so-nice text underneath - it's all about working through one's emotions). Valentines Day is a time to celebrate every facet of love. Which means I get to celebrate all of you.  I love your connection with my artwork and creative endeavors.  I love your commitment to your families - including 4-legged members. I love your huge hearts and all the compassionate causes they support. I love that I get to share my studio days with each of you, going on nearly 10 years now. I love that so very many o...