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Showing posts with the label dolly

Dollar Store Dolly I, Toy #26 of 100 Toys

"Dollar Store Dolly I," Toy #26, 6" x 6," acrylics on masonite, depicting a stuffed polar fleece doll. She needs a home (as does her sister ) - and wouldn't they be darling in a child's room? Please connect with me  via email  and we'll get them into your hands! (NOTE: sale pending on both Dolly I and II as of this posting, thank you SO much!) The Welcome Home's Worn Off A constantly hangry child, bickering kids, a dog skunked late at night, a pukey cat, internet connectivity woes, out of control laundry (including wet skunky towels), last minute schedule changes, restless nights and PMS have all connived to make my past two days a little less zen than they might have been.    The perfect antidote? painting cute dolls (props to my friend who gifted me these dolls!) and journaling and homemade cornbread. Don't judge me until you've tried it.   Also, I've been tweaking one painting for a special client a...