"Rose" 8" x 10," acrylics on a museum quality panel, depicting a sleepy-eyed Nancy Ann Story Book doll (does anyone know this doll's original name?). In process photos can be viewed here . Inquiries may come to me . Today didn't go as expected. Kids home (no power at school) and bouncing emails were just a couple of the surprises. (And for those of you in the path of last nite's storms, I hope you have a warm place to stay and all your loved ones are accounted for.) I rolled with the punches, did lots of yoga breathing, put out all my fires, and found myself mid-afternoon with some time at the easel. I could have worked on a commission, but didn't trust the fates to leave me alone. So I chose a little doll who seemed to match my pensive mood. Here's hoping tomorrow is not a repeat of today! Kim ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com