FROM THE LEFT: "Airedale I" and "Airedale II," each image approximately 8" square on a 9" piece of Multimedia Artboard, done in Golden Open Acrylics, painted sketches of two Airedales, $95 each. Inquiries (including booking your own pet portrait, from miniature size [4" x 4"] to larger than life) may always come to me . I enjoy doing partner paintings - these two are intended to "look" at each other. The connected horizon line and similar colors further link the portraits. This is the first diptych I've paintd on the Multimedia Artboard - I like how this surface allows me to build up loose blocks of color and glaze. It's the perfect surface for my painted sketches. I'd love to do some more of these and explore other breeds, maybe even incorporate collaged elements. What do you think? Thanks, as always, for looking at - and sharing - my artwork and musings with your friends and family. Kim