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Showing posts with the label pepto pink

Kermie, Toy #25

"Kermie," Toy #25, 6" x 6," acrylics on masonite, depicting a vintage Fisher Price Kermit the Frog puppet (perched on an empty Scrumpies Hard Cider bottle, which you cannot see, but I assure you was delicious!). This painting already has a home (I don't think there's such a thing as a homeless Muppet, is there?) Meanwhile, connect with me  via email  if you are looking for something in particular. I keep doing  the Muppet flail . It's ridiculous, I know. But the kids are happy to be back in school and I'm delighted to be back at the easel during daylight hours. However I think I pulled something in my shoulder whilst flailing.  Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, All my best, Kim The 100 Toys Album


Bebe, 12" square study done from life, acrylics on museum quality panel, depicting a vintage doll head of unknown origin (there is no maker's mark on her anywhere). This painting is available for $299 (it's a study, so the price reflects this) - inquiries may come  to me .     Another treasure from the STD Flea Market in Springfield, MO. This doll head has sleepy eyes that, curiously enough, squeak and groan with each blink.   Somedays I feel like that!!   So what is your consensus? Is this doll creepy?   Kim, who's bound and determined to examine the whole doll thing from every possible paintable angle   PS   Am doing a demo tonite with the  Warren Tri-County Art Guild  - come on out and say hello!